First I tried
Select a Category
Product name: Backup Exec System Recovery Manager Option
Product version: 10.0
Platform: Windows Server (x86)
Platform Version: Enterprise Edition (x86)
Provide Details
No changes I just clicked Yes – continue to create this case.
Then I get this error
“Submit the Case
Your attempt to submit a case to Symantec has failed due to an invalid Product/Version. You can check the product/version and resubmit the case, or contact technical support Symantec Technical Services”
So I did click Symantec Technical Services
After spending 90minutes with tech support we found the version was
Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Installer SP1 Version 9.0.1
So I tried to create a case for the version 9.0.1
Select a Category
Product name: Backup Exec System Recovery Manager Option
Product version: 9.0
Platform: Windows Server (x86)
Platform Version: Enterprise Edition (x86)
Provide Details
No changes I just clicked Yes – continue to create this case.
Then I get this error
“Submit the Case
Your attempt to submit a case to Symantec has failed due to an invalid Product/Version. You can check the product/version and resubmit the case, or contact technical support Symantec Technical Services”
I tried different versions of BESR2010
Select a Category
Product name: Backup Exec System Recovery Desktop Edition
Product version: 2010 .2 SP2
Platform: Windows Server (x86)
Platform Version: Enterprise Edition (x86
still no luck?