Forum Discussion

Philip_Lang's avatar
18 years ago

heavy CPU Usage on Backupexec-Server


maybe someone can help me. The Problem occured last week and I can�t repair it...

On my Backupexecserver (Windows 2000 server with Updaterollup 1 for sp4) causes beremote.exe cpu-usages at about 100%. Rebooting the Server helps until the first Backupjob is started. When the job is done, beremote.exe is still running with 95% to 100%.

Tried to fix it with the repair option, but that didn�t help. My Backupexec-version is 10.1.5629

Would be nice if someone could help me,

kind regards,

Philip Lang

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Are you also using the advanced open file option for the backups?

    Which all patches of Backup Exec have been installed?

    Have you tried running a backup with all the third party services stopped so as to isolate the issue?
