Forum Discussion

Brian_Day's avatar
Level 6
17 years ago

Cumulative policies, copyable policies, delete option through policy?

I just thought I'd put feelers out there for a couple things and see if anyone is aware of work to make them possible.

1. Making policies cumulative so you can have one main policy affeting a larger provisioning group and then have smaller policies which affect most detailed provisioning groups. It would basically mimmick GPO behavior in AD.

2. Making policies and their settings copyable like a template if you need to create a new one. No more opening 2 windows and going through each setting to make sure its the same before changing the one thing you need to in the new one.

3. Moving the option or users being able to delete from their archive out of the site level setting and into the policies. Right now there seems to be no way (Through the GUI at least.) to turn off the deleting ability for a specific group of users without going to the permissions area and turning it off. This is cumbersome and yes depending on how your organization uses the product there are valid arguments for having this. :)

Any rumors? Thanks!
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