Forum Discussion

o_c's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

EV Archived Message Form Problem

 When I open the archived message, the following warning pop out. What's the problem?

"The custom form could not be opened. Outlook will use an Outlook form instead. The form required to view this message cannot be displayed. Contact your administrator."

Other users dont have this problem, I think it is due to the outlook setting. Any advise?


7 Replies

  • what version of EV are you using?
    If you have the EV 7 client you should have a ResetEVClient.exe under the C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVClient subdirectory.
    If you are EV 6 then you can delete the frmcache.dat and see if that helps.
    Open a command window and run the following from the root of c:

    del frmcache.dat /s
    del extend.dat /s
  • We had that yesterday with one client. Had to go into Outlook forms management and hit "clear cache" once to fix it.
  • Hi,
    In V7 there is also a policy called Force Form reload which sets the outlook registry key so that forms are reloaded if they become corrupt.
  • I am using EV7,
    I tried clear cache, resetEVclient, reinstall the EV client, but the error presist.
    What can i do next?
  • In the policy "Force Form reload", what is the difference of write entry and remove entry?
  • Hi,
    Write entry will create the registry key to enable this Outlook feature
    remove entry will delete the registry key(for whatever reason you might want to do that...
  • Thanks.
    I am using the correct setting, what can I do next???