Forum Discussion

GertjanA's avatar
11 years ago

EV10 Billing Account change

Hello all,

For whatever reason, all archives in my environment now have the same billing account.

Is it possible to have the billing account repopulated, so it reflects the owner of the archive again? Could the 'permissions' be used to populate it?

Any regkey/sql query that can be set/run?

As example:

My archive:

ArchiveName = Alink, Gertjan

Permission = domain\alinkg

Billing account = domain\vsa

Billing account should be changed to domain\alinkg




2 Replies

  • There is an article on the forums which contains some SQL scripts that identifies the 'owner', maybe that can be rerolled to do what you need?

  • Hi Rob, I am in no way sql enabled. I rely on people here to compose a script :-)