Forum Discussion

KVS02's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Merging Journal vault stores



Can anyone please advice if two journal vault stores from two different sites can be merged.

If so are there any tools that would do the job or is it a matter of exporting and importing with the help of pst.

6 Replies

  • The only way to do this would be to edit the SQL metadata directly. This is actually a fairly simple process but if you have not done it before then you may want to think about engaging Symantec or a Partner to do this for you.

  • Hi Alan,


    Thanks for your response.

    I just want to expand little bit to what I stated in the initial post.




    Company A is merging with Company B


    Company A has got EV with mailbox archiving and Journaling


    Company B is using just Exchange Journaling.


    There are no trust between this two companies and for legal reason they can't establish one.




    Journaling and Journal vault store should be merged with Company A when users are moved.

  • In the scenario that you describe you only really have one option because of the lack of a Trust relationship. You will need to create new archives for the users in the new domain. Without a trust relationship you can do a standard domain migration so you'll probably be looking at importing and exporting PSTs for the mailbox (unless I'm missing something). If this is the case you may as well export the user archives into the user mailbox and then dump it all to a PST for import into the new archive in the target environment.



  • I think the same as well Allan but the question is can you do an import to Journal archive, not too sure if something around the provisioning task will stop this.

  • Yes you can import into the Journal archive although I'd think carefully before doing that. I'd suggest a Shared archive before the Journal archive because if you add to the Journal archive in this fashion you might have compliance or audit issues. Talk to your legal folks before you do this.
  • Hi,


    Although this topic is dated, I do have an additional question.


    We're facing a same situation:
    - Original: Enterprise Vault running in Windows AD Forest A: mailbox archiving and Journaling (EV V7.*)
    - New: Enterprise Vault (V8) running in Windows AD Forest B: mailbox archiving and Journaling (EV V8)
    The migration of the mailbox archives seems pretty straightforward (although using the .PST files will require some good planning), and originally we planned to leave the Journal in Forest A (have it phased out after the last items was removed from the archive); however, the complete Forest will be decommissioned shortly after migrating the users, so we need to migrate the Journal Archives also.

    - You mentioned: 'Import into the Journal Archive'. What steps would that involve?
    - You also mentioned: 'Shared archive before the Journal archive'. I'm not sure if I understand how, but also what you try to achieve here?
    - Is such migration something that has been done before (I didn’t get a good feeling from the Forum on this)?


    Thanks. Simon

    Message Edited by Simon Eijs on 02-05-2009 05:49 AM