Forum Discussion

thanhtoanit's avatar
13 years ago

How to use Netbakcup 7 for Backup OS windows and Database

- Currently the company I am using Backup Exec Recovery 2010 for backup and restore Windows Operating Systems 2008,2003 ... Now the boss wants to switch to Symantec Netbackup 7 should , ask people how to help bakcup and restore windows Operating Systems 2008,2003

- Symantec Netbackup 7 : How to Config bakcup for Backup all Users Mailbox of Exchange 2007 SP2, Database Backup :Sharepoint 2010, SQL  runing Windos OS , and  MySQL, Oracle ...runging Linux Redhat ...

  • There is absolutely nothing similar between the interface and management of BackupExec to NetBackup.  

    The questions you pose are much more complex than any one single answer can give you.  

    I would strongly recommend some sort of training with your purchase.  I would recommend you look at youtube or other sources of info to see the interface more.  I would also recommend you sign up for any weekly webex's or sales events that nbu will be shown as part of a sales pitch.  This way you can see how the presenter navigates around.


9 Replies

  • There is absolutely nothing similar between the interface and management of BackupExec to NetBackup.  

    The questions you pose are much more complex than any one single answer can give you.  

    I would strongly recommend some sort of training with your purchase.  I would recommend you look at youtube or other sources of info to see the interface more.  I would also recommend you sign up for any weekly webex's or sales events that nbu will be shown as part of a sales pitch.  This way you can see how the presenter navigates around.


  • Bare Metal Restore: (From BMR admin guide) Bare Metal Restore (BMR) is the Server Recovery option of NetBackup. BMR automates and streamlines the server recovery process, making it unnecessary to manually reinstall operating systems or configure hardware. With simple commands, complete server restores can be accomplished in a fraction of the time without extensive training or tedious administration.

    Without BMR: HOWTO: Use NetBackup to perform a restore for a total and complete recovery of Windows XP, 2000, 2003, or 2008 client(s) that includes C: (and other system) drive(s), Shadow Copy Component, and/or System_State from a reliable full Windows-NT backup without IDR or BMR in the event of a Disaster (or need to fall back to a known working state):

    Refer to 7.0 Documentation page:

    All the administration guides are available in documentation page.

  • thanks reply everyone , but now boss need is use Symantec Netbackup 7.1 for

    + Backup online for OS: Windows 2008 va Linux ---->  ?
    + Backup online for Database:  MS SQL 2008, MySQL va Oracle ---->  ?
    + Backup online for MS Exhange 2007 SP2 ?

    ==> People with experience in the backup and restore the software problem on the Netbackup 7, helps her with the document.

  • Quick link for 7.1 documents here.

    To protect OS
    As Kiran wrote, you can protect system using BMR.
    NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Administrator's Guide

    To protect MS SQL, Oracle and Exchange
    NetBackup has option agent for these applications.

    To protect MySQL
    There are no option agent for MySQL. To protect MySQL, you have to write script that dumps DB data into file and backup it.

  • In Simple ways:

    Backup Exec: For Environments which consist of only Windows servers

    Netbackup: For Windows, HP, Solaris, Linux and MAC OS.

    According to be Netbackup is more effective than Backup Exec.

  • Amarnath

    I dont think Symantec would be too happy with your above assesment of their Backup Exec product especially based on their key line:

    "efficiently manage both Windows and non-Windows systems through a single console including UNIX,
    Linux, MAC, and NetWare, including remote media server support for Linux servers"

    I do agree that NetBackup tends to have a higher performance engine but the rest of your statement is inaccurate.

  • they usually come out with a specialists and can answer questions and even show you a demo.

  • J H - this looks to be another old thread dragged out of the wood work - 9th Feb was last comment prior to today - infuriating when these get ressurected other than to just ask the original creator if they have had their question answered ....


    So with that in mind .....thanhtoanit - has your question been answered?