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JehovahJireh's avatar
11 years ago

Status Code 46 - bpcd valid_server: WINDOWS7-PC is not a master server



I am having a heck of a time with this one and if anybody can help I would really appreciate it. I am getting the error below in my bpcd log on my client (WINDOWS7-PC). I have done the following:

  • Verified that the Client and Server names are in the hosts for on the Server (SERVER2003) and client (WINDOWS7-PC).
  • I have ran the bpclntcmd -hn, -pn and -sv on bot sides, client and server, and all check out just fine.
  • I added the cleint and server names to the BAR GUI and verified multiple times they are there.
  • I checked the SERVER KEY in the Regsitry to confirm that it is listed as the correct server (SERVER2003).

Despite all of my reading and attempts I still get the following message:

08:06:46.123 [3640.3908] <16> bpcd main: Server access denied
08:06:46.211 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT 18000
08:06:46.213 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 284
08:06:46.215 [3668.5288] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
08:06:46.215 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
08:06:46.219 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host WINDOWS7-PC ( port 49962
08:06:46.219 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing server2003 and WINDOWS7-PC
08:06:46.220 [3668.5288] <4>
08:06:46.220 [3668.5288] <16> bpcd valid_server: WINDOWS7-PC is not a media server either
08:06:46.221 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 1
08:06:46.248 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated vnetd socket on stderr
08:06:46.248 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 6.5 0 ------------initiated
08:06:46.248 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0
08:06:46.248 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 46  ----------->exiting
08:06:46.248 [3668.5288] <4> bpcd exit_bpcd: FTL - BPCD EXIT STATUS 46

Also. I rebooted the computer after making all changes to make sure the daemons were restarted and memory flushed. What can this possibly be? I am stumped!


9 Replies

  • bpcd valid_server: WINDOWS7-PC is not a media server eithe


    make sure WINDOWS7-PC is resolving the name

    and also its it listed in client registory key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config\servers


  • What exactly are you doing to generate the error in bpcd log on the client?

    We see a connection attempt from itself to itself:


    Connection from host WINDOWS7-PC (

    Why would the client be trying to connect to itself?

    Please run the following command on the server and show us output:

    bptestbpcd -client WINDOWS7-PC -debug -verbose

  • 08:06:46.219 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host WINDOWS7-PC ( port 49962
    08:06:46.219 [3668.5288] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing server2003 and WINDOWS7-PC
    08:06:46.220 [3668.5288] <4>
    08:06:46.220 [3668.5288] <16> bpcd valid_server: WINDOWS7-PC is not a media server either


    the above error is saying that it has the entry server2003 in regisotry.. not the WINDOWS7-PC.

    show us the outputs of 

    form master:-

    bpclntcmd -ip <clientip>

    bpclntcmd -hn <client hostname>


    from client:-

    bpclntcmd -self

    bpclntcmd -pn

    bpclntcmd -ip <clientip>

    bpclntcmd -hn <client hostname>

    and also post all entiers in regiostry key

    key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config\server

    and hosts file.

    attach bpcd log with VERBOSE 5


  • Marianne,

    I ran the BAR GUI and initiated a backup of the C:\ Drive and that is what produced the error. See atttached PDF file for screenshots and output.

    Also, this is what I got from the server (SERVER2003) running the bptestbpcd command to the client (WINDOWS7-PC).

    Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>bptestbpcd -client WINDOWS7-PC -debug -verbose
    14:31:26.593 [4528.4296] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
    14:31:47.593 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:32:07.593 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:32:28.593 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:32:48.593 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:32:59.562 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:33:20.562 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:33:30.515 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:33:51.515 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:34:01.578 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> vnet_connect_to_service_or_vnetd: vnet_vnetd.c.3571: vnet_async_connect fai
    led: 18 0x00000012
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> nb_connect_to_vnetd_or_legacy: comm.c.2030: vnet_connect_to_vnetd_or_servic
    e failed: 18
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> local_bpcr_connect: nb_connect_to_vnetd_service(WINDOWS7-PC) failed: 25
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client WINDOWS7-PC
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(WINDOWS7-PC, WINDOWS7-PC) failed: 25

    <16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(WINDOWS7-PC) failed: 25
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(WINDOWS7-PC) failed: 25
    <2>bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
    <2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
    14:34:22.578 [4528.4296] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
    cannot connect on socket

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>

  • Nagalla,


    For Registry output see attached PDF file. I ran these previously but I ran them again and included the output below:


    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>bpclntcmd -ip
    checkhaddr: host   : WINDOWS7-PC: WINDOWS7-PC at (0xaa01a8c0)
    checkhaddr: aliases:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>bpclntcmd -hn WINDOWS7-PC
    host WINDOWS7-PC: WINDOWS7-PC at (0xaa01a8c0)

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>



    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\>bpclntcmd -self
    gethostname() returned: windows7-pc
    host windows7-pc: Windows7-PC at (0xaa01a8c0)

    C:\Users\>bpclntcmd -pn
    expecting response from server server2003
    WINDOWS7-PC Windows7-PC 49600

    Note: The above says expecting a response from SERVER2003 but it receives the Clients information. Is that a problem?

    C:\Users\>bpclntcmd -ip
    checkhaddr: host   : WINDOWS7-PC: WINDOWS7-PC at (0xaa01a8c0)
    checkhaddr: aliases:

    C:\Users\>bpclntcmd -hn WINDOWS7-PC
    host WINDOWS7-PC: Windows7-PC at (0xaa01a8c0)


  • Output of bpclntcmd -pn is perfectly fine, meaning client can connect to master server and master server is resolving client IP address to correct hostname.

    I don't understand why we see connection attempt from client's own IP address in bpcd log instead of master's IP address. What is the master's IP address? 

    Is there a firewall between server and client? Maybe NAT'ing taking place here?

    Was anything logged in client's bpcd log between 14:31 and 14:34 when you did bptestbpcd?

  • also show us the etc/hosts file entire of client.

    did you inciate this backup from the Client?

    if yes.. what is the result if you iniciate the backup from Master server?

  • frm client give o/p of

    ping SERVER2003


    means ping the master server using hostname from client...