Forum Discussion

7 Replies


    Happy Reading.


    I am impressed you are looking to learn about this - I am amazed how people quite happly spend half their day typing complete paths, or cd'ing to different directories.
    The below is taken from this thread, you may find it useful.
    The vast majorty of NetBackup binaries are located in the following directories, therfore by simple looking, you should find the command.  You could also search, using the search feature in windows, or the find command in Unix.
    Unix/ Linux
    There are also so 'scripts' available in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies
    <install path>\veritas\netbackup\bin
    <install path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\support
    <install path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd
    <install path>\veritas\volmgr\bin
    There are also some 'scripts' available in <install path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\goodies
    It is even easier, if you add these paths to the PATH variable of the operating system.  This allows you to run commands without having to type in the comlete path each time, or, cd to the directory.
    Add the directories to the PATH variable in the .profile file in the home directory of the user you log in as.
    For example ;
    Add the directories the the PATH user variable (Right click computer, Properties, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables (Path is under System variable ), For example.
    C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Oracle\Ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\Program Files\RSA SecurID Token Common;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVClient\;C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workspace Virtualization\;C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin;C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
  • for processes and log information please have a look at below article


  • The 6.0 process flow diagram is quite old...

    You can find the 7.x process flow here:


  • Murli hope above all the was informative. please mark the post which had helped you most


    If you find bit lack of information do revert. we'd like to explore more of NBU