Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • When logging a call, please provide pleanty of information, for example ...

    (Please answer the questions as best you can)


    1.   The exact error message (if an error is given)
    2.   During which type of operation does the problem occur ?  For example, Backup, Duplication, Vault, Restore etc.
    3.   At what point in the job does the issue occur, for example, right at the beginning.
    4.   Which system(s) are involved? For example, Master Server, Media Server - Please provide system names
    5.   What version of NetBackup are the servers running ?
    6.   What type of operating system are the servers running, and what version (including patch and kernel level) 
    7.   Please submit the support report from the master and any relevant Media Servers in the environment.
    8.   Is this a reoccurring issue ?
    9.   What was the system doing at this time ?
    10.  Please send in the contents of the details tab in the Activity Monitor for the job.
    11.  What logs or screenshots are available?
    12.  Has this worked previously?  If so, when was the last time it DID work?
    13.  Have there been any environmental; system; or configuration changes?
    14.  When did the problem begin?
    15.  How often does the problem occur?
    16.  Is a similar configuration working properly?
    17.  If applicable, are you running the job to/from disk or tape, if tape, is it a VTL


    Could be multiple reasons.

    Could be a PBX problem,  an OS patch many things, cannot say without some details.  Will also need the nbemm log and pbx log.



  • As Martin says we need to see some logs and have more details to assist

    A few things really that can cause it ...

    First are you on 6.5. or 6.5.x? If so what exact version - lots of bugs so you need to patch to 6.5.6 if you are not already and consider getting to 7.x as soon as possible (6.5 is EOL in October)

    Network and memory issues will cause this but we need to knwo if you are on Windows or Unix to advise on what you need to do to help

    Let us know all the details and we will see whay we can do