Forum Discussion

Marcio_Almeida's avatar
13 years ago

Restore Exchange Granular Error (rai error= 6)

Hi all, 26/03/2012 16:48:12 - begin Restore 26/03/2012 16:48:14 - restoring image server.domain.com_1332789312 26/03/2012 16:48:16 - Info bpbrm(pid=1376) is the host to rest...
  • Mark_Solutions's avatar
    13 years ago

    The distributed application mapping is designed for 2010 but in view of your setup it may not hurt to do it anyway

    Go to the Master Servers Host properties - Distributed Application Restore Mappings

    You will need to add a few entries here so that the SRV0000 is mapped to the mailbox severs and CAS Servers - so all down the left hand side is SRV00000 and on the right is everything else