Forum Discussion

hmontero's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

BE2012 - Exchange granular restore


Using GRT technology i'm able to restore a single email...

Is needed to make backup-to-disk and then backup-to-tape to restore that email or can i restore directly from tape ?

I'm using BE2012 SP1a and using Agent for databases and applications.


  • Hi,

    When you do a GRT backup to tape, you're able to restore a single item from that tape...BUT, it stages the entire Information Store to disk first (essentially copies it to disk). The default is C:\Temp. If you don't have enough free disk space on your C:\ drive, then you need to move this temp location to a drive with enough disk space free as your Information Store is big. For example, if your Information Store is 50GB in size, make sure the drive has a minimum of 50GB free.

    If you backup to disk first before duplicating to tape, there is no need to stage to disk as it is there already. I've seen a document somewhere where Symantec recommend B2D first, and then duplicate to tape for longer-term retention.

    Hope this helps?


10 Replies

  • you can restore directly from tape, but the exchange EDB needs to be restored to the temp directory. When that file is restored, BE extracts the mail(s) you selected.


  • Sorry, i don´t understand.

    Can i select an email from the tape and restore that directly???

    so..the EDB file needs to be restored to disk first???

    when i try to restore an individual email, the EDB file is restored too???

  patient with me...8)

  • Hi,

    When you do a GRT backup to tape, you're able to restore a single item from that tape...BUT, it stages the entire Information Store to disk first (essentially copies it to disk). The default is C:\Temp. If you don't have enough free disk space on your C:\ drive, then you need to move this temp location to a drive with enough disk space free as your Information Store is big. For example, if your Information Store is 50GB in size, make sure the drive has a minimum of 50GB free.

    If you backup to disk first before duplicating to tape, there is no need to stage to disk as it is there already. I've seen a document somewhere where Symantec recommend B2D first, and then duplicate to tape for longer-term retention.

    Hope this helps?


  • CraigV..another answer...

    You say that first BE restore the information store in c:\temp

    1) c:\temp in my BE server or in exchange server???

    2) is there a way to change the path to another drive (x eg d:\temp) ???


  • Hi,


    1. On your media server;

    2. Under your Tools menu, there should be a section for MS Exchange and for the temporary staging'd do it there!


  • I apologize, I should have been more detailed, I only meant to use the referenced link as a 'how to' for duplicating to tape. 

    Is this still an issue?