Can I upgrade from BESR 2010 to BESR 2013 R2
This is for Symantec System Protection aka Backup Exec System Recovery... We are presently on a 2010 version, I don't know which SP... And I want to upgrade it to System Protection 2013 SP2... It is a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit server. Thank you, TomSolved1.4KViews11likes4CommentsRestore wizard?
Next problem... I am now trying to do a restore and even this is not an easy task! When I start the restore wizard it lists all of the backup files, in no particular order, image attached. I now have to go through 1000 backup files one by one to see the contents to locate the latest backup of a file! Surely this cannot be right.Solved483Views8likes2CommentsEV11.0.1 SCOM EVWebsiteConnectivity.monitor error
Hello all, We use SCOM to monitor our EV environment, and we see on one of our installs the following alert: Source: Full Path Name:\servername\Common\Server connectivity\ Alert Monitor: EVWebsiteConnectivity.Monitor Created: 20/04/2015 11:24:48 Alert Description: Cannot connect to website on server evservername. Website URL: There are no events in the eventlogs (Enterprise Vault, System, Application). There are no issues reported using the search, There are no other issues reported. Does anyone know if this warning is a false alert? I do not see a reason to investigate or try to fix, but the SCOM team worries there is something wrong what needs to be fixed. this environment has been upgraded from 10SP4CHF2 to EV11SP1CHF1 on 18/04/2015 without issues. Thanks. GJ1.2KViews7likes3CommentsAbgelaufene Backup Dateien werden nich gelöscht
Hallo, Wir haben folgendes Backup Szenario: Im Server ist ein Wechselrahmen. Hier wird die Platte wöchentlich am Freitag um ca 14:00 Uhr gewechselt. Beide Wechselplatten sind in einem "Speicherpool extern" zusammengefasst. Der Backup plan ist folgendermaßen eingerichtet: Vollbackup: Jede Woche um 20:00 Uhr - Backupziel: Speicherpool extern - Aufbewahren für 1 Woche Inkrementell: Alle 1 Wochen am (SO,MO,DI,MI,DO) um 23:00 Uhr Inkrementell Fr.: Alle 1 Wochen am Freitag um 12:00. So viel mal zu Konfiguration. Nun zum eigentlichen Problem: Die Platten laufen momentan immer nach 2-3 Wochen voll, weil er zwar die Backup-Sätze als abgelaufen markiert aber ganz offensichtlich nicht auf der Platte löscht. Woran kann dies liegen? Ist die konfiguration überhaupt sinnvoll so, oder sollte man lieber 2 Backup aufträge einrichten (ein seperater für jede Wechselfestplatte) ? Vielen Dank schon mal! LG Bernd1.6KViews7likes3CommentsFiltering Job History with job name "matches"
Every once in a while I run into a situation where I could really use a better filter than "contains" or "starts with" in job history. I note there is a "matches" option, but there is no documentation on the syntax of it, an my attempts to use it have always ended with no results and frustration. So, does anyone know how to use the "matches" option in job history filters? Backup Exec 2012 SP4.Solved1.9KViews7likes7CommentsWindows thick console 7.5 - no way to backup/restore servers?? Also issue with Russian characters in file names
We have come across an issue using the JAVA console (either on UNIX or Windows) where files with Russian characters in the file name are not being correctly named in NetBackup. The file names are being created similar to H2TV30~1. This make trying to restore a file an Indiana Jones type of adventure. 3 days of Googling, and all I can find is one post where someone said Symantec told them to use the Windows thick console and it should display file names with Russian characters fine. OK, so I finally got the Windows thick console up and running (BTW - the console and the client share registry settings. We were backing up the server that I installed the console on via the public NIC, but our master server only listens on the private NIC - in order to get both working, had to set the client to back up through the private NIC!). So I get it installed, fire it up, and it looks almost identical to the JAVA client - ALMOST! There is no Backup, Archive, and Restore function right above the Activity Monitor! Only thing I can find is the button on the toolbar, and that ONLY brings up the client to backup/restore the client the console is installed on! Is there no way to backup and restore all of your servers through the Windows thick console like you do through the JAVA console? We are running the master and media server on UNIX. And also, anyone have any inputs on the Russian character thing?Solved1.4KViews7likes9Commentsviewmessage.asp restore button
Hello, Currently when I click the restore button for an email I am presented with a dialog that has 3 fields: Microsoft Exchange Server: Mailbox: Folder: (This is read only and currently only allows restoring to the 'restored items' folder) 1. Is there any way to auto populate theMicrosoft Exchange Server field with a value as the end users aren't going to have a clue what to put in there... 2. Auto populate the Mailbox for the username that is accessing theviewmessage.asp page 3. Allow the user to either select a folder or restore to the original location (If these don't exist then restore to 'restored items' folder) Thanks JohnSolved1.1KViews7likes10CommentsMultiple Forders in BEData Folder
Hello everyone. I'm just walking into Symantec as this is a new position for me and its kinda everywhere and out of control and I was hoping I could get a better handle on it. Is it possible within the BEData folder to create a fodler for each server, For example BEData Mailserver Fileserver DNS etc just trying to find an easier to way clean items up. Much appreciated.Solved1.1KViews7likes5CommentsScript for updating OpsCenter server entry on multiple Backup domain
I have to add new OpsCenter server entry in matser server properties for 500+ Backup domains. Could you please share if any script or easiest way to update the same instead of manully logging on each master and update through GUI (Hostproerties --> servers --> OpsCenter Servers).504Views6likes1Comment