EV11.0.1 SCOM EVWebsiteConnectivity.monitor error
Hello all,
We use SCOM to monitor our EV environment, and we see on one of our installs the following alert:
Source: http://evservername.domain.com:80/EnterpriseVaultAPI
Full Path Name: evservername.domain.com\servername\Common\Server connectivity\http://evservername.domain.com:80/EnterpriseVaultAPI
Alert Monitor: EVWebsiteConnectivity.Monitor
Created: 20/04/2015 11:24:48
Alert Description: Cannot connect to website on server evservername.
Website URL: http://evservername.domain.com:80/EnterpriseVaultAPI
There are no events in the eventlogs (Enterprise Vault, System, Application). There are no issues reported using the search, There are no other issues reported.
Does anyone know if this warning is a false alert? I do not see a reason to investigate or try to fix, but the SCOM team worries there is something wrong what needs to be fixed.
this environment has been upgraded from 10SP4CHF2 to EV11SP1CHF1 on 18/04/2015 without issues.