Forum Discussion

jurgen_barbieur's avatar
10 years ago

upgrade backupexec appliance 3600.R2 to backupexec2014

Hy all, I'm trying to upgrade the appliance of one of my customers. I'm following this TN:
  • jurgen_barbieur's avatar
    10 years ago

    the first major problem was that the hotfix was not recognized by the liveupdate. Whitout this hotfix, the upgrade isn't possible, because the powershell commands envolved in the upgrade process are deployed through this hotfix.

    once the hotfix was applied the upgrade was possible, but woth some considerations beside of the upgrade technote:

    - don't use a network share as location for the installation files. This will give errors at some point (mostly when verifying the content of the iso)

    - use an usb disk, or local disk for the location of the upgrade files.

    - in the upgrade command:

        * use the FQDN and not the hostname, or IP-address, if necessary add the necessary intries in the host-file to make this work correctly

       * the account used must be the local administrator of the appliance, a created bexec sys account, or other will not work