Forum Discussion

Piotr_Nowak1's avatar
13 years ago

BESR 2011 on Win7_Pro_SP1 won`t start


I`ve just installed BESr 2011 on Win7 station and can not run the program. I can see welcome screen, then windows is thinking about "soluction for probems" and nothing happend.

I`ve try to reinstall view times BESR, but with no result.

Any idea what happend ??


We have about 100 copies of BESR installed on Win 7 - but this issue happends first time.

I`m thinking about reinstalling the workstation, but meaby someone known a solution for that...


Thank You

6 Replies

  • The forum is for BE, not for SSR (formerly BESR) which has its own forum.  I have moved your earlier discussion to the SSR forum.

  • No, no AV blocking.

    It does not matter how BESR is starting - automaticaly or manualy - I have the same situation - Besr logo on screen, then program stop working anwd windows is trying to resolve problem with program...... :(

  • I`ve tried, but I can see an error below:

    "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service vecouse tge program to be upgraded may be nmissing ir the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. verifu that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch" :(


    so what is that ??:


  • I think it will be good idea to open a support ticket and have one of our engineers take look at the issue you are having so that we can provide a resoultion.