Forum Discussion

TobiasEberli's avatar
12 years ago

Cannot uninstall Backup Exec 2012 from Windows Server 2012

Hi There

When i try to uninstall Backup Exec 2012 from our Windows Server 2012 Server I got an error:

"You cannot install a Backup Exec server or the Remote Administrator on a Windows 8/Server 2012 computer"

We have this problem since we've installed the Service Pack 2 Beta.


How can i uninstall the application??


Thanks for your help



  • Hi There

    Thanks for your answer. I've recived an answer from Symbeta:

    1. Make a backup copy of :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\BeSeqDlgs.dll

    2. Copy \BE\WinNT\Install\BEx64\Install\BeSeqDlgs.dll from the BE 2012 SP1a dvd media to :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\

    If you do not have BE 2012 SP1a install media, you can download it from the following location:

    3. Run maintenance wizard of Backup Exec or uninstall Backup Exec or the functionality that you were unable to perform due to the unsupported platform error message.

    4. Copy back the original BeSeqDlgs.dll that you saved to a safe location to :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\ Directory.


    Uninstallation was successfull.

    There's a confusion for me about the Support for Windows Server 2012.
    Will Backup Exec 2012 SP2 be a supported platform or not?

    We've got now about 4 installations of SP1a and 3 of them are working fine. Theres just one installation with a lot of troubles.

    Thank you!!





9 Replies

  • Hi Tobias,


    Check the TN below...MIGHT help you in getting it removed manually:


  • TobiasEberli

    Sorry for your frustrations. I would suggest you speak with Beta support. When you registered and recieved your Beta download you should have been provided with the contact information for Beta support. If you have this handy i would suggest contacting prior to doing any other troubleshooting.

  • I think you are unsupported, so good luck.  I don't think that any version of BE or any beta supports installing on Win2012 yet.  You might be able to uninstall SP2, then uninstall the main product?

  • Hi Tobias

    I just checked with the engineering leaders of the beta.  Looks like they have been working with you on this.  Are you back up and running?

  • Hi There

    Thanks for your answer. I've recived an answer from Symbeta:

    1. Make a backup copy of :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\BeSeqDlgs.dll

    2. Copy \BE\WinNT\Install\BEx64\Install\BeSeqDlgs.dll from the BE 2012 SP1a dvd media to :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\

    If you do not have BE 2012 SP1a install media, you can download it from the following location:

    3. Run maintenance wizard of Backup Exec or uninstall Backup Exec or the functionality that you were unable to perform due to the unsupported platform error message.

    4. Copy back the original BeSeqDlgs.dll that you saved to a safe location to :\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{017CF375-DCCC-4717-B3A2-F549CE54BDE5}\ Directory.


    Uninstallation was successfull.

    There's a confusion for me about the Support for Windows Server 2012.
    Will Backup Exec 2012 SP2 be a supported platform or not?

    We've got now about 4 installations of SP1a and 3 of them are working fine. Theres just one installation with a lot of troubles.

    Thank you!!





  • Wrong, the Beta only supports Win2K12 as a RAWS installation...quote the correct information before -1'ing someone...


  • Backup Exec 2012 SP2 was only designed to support remote agent installations on Windows 2012, Full media server installations are out of the scope for SP2. Unfortunately the installer for 2012 and 2012 Sp1a did not block the install on Windows 2012 even though it is unsupported. Which is why when you updated to the SP2 beta test you then started to see problems.

    Note: If you have 2012 Sp1a running on WIndows 2012 you remain officially unsupported  even if it appears to be working.

    We plan to release full media server support on Windows 2012 in a future full release of Backup Exec (so not by Servcie pack or Hotfix) The current name and release schedule for this future version is unknown at this time.