Forum Discussion

Lantek's avatar
10 years ago

error 1310 when installing Symantec Backup Exec (Feature Pack 1)

I get the following error when trying to install this software:

Symantec Backup Exec -- Error 1310. Error writing to file o \\XXXXX\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\PTAF2C.tmp.  System error 0, please check that you have access to that folder.

Database is in another server and the user that is using to install is domain administrator which is supposed to have access to that folder.

Anyway we gave that folder everyone rights

Any idea of how to solve the problem ?



  • Try to Add object Computer with BE in group Administrators on Computer with SQL Server.

    It was the same problem, utilits ProcessMon log ACCESS DENIED to C$ share.

    After Success install remove from group.

  • Try to Add object Computer with BE in group Administrators on Computer with SQL Server.

    It was the same problem, utilits ProcessMon log ACCESS DENIED to C$ share.

    After Success install remove from group.

  • Have you tried the install with AV services stopped and disabled?

  • Do not use the default or a production SQL instance for BE.  Create a seperate instance, preferably called BKUPEXEC first.  During the installation, point to this instance.

  • Are remote connections (Named Pipes and TCP/IP) enabled at the remote SQL instance ?

    In addition to the folder rights, do ensure the BE account has full rights to the SQL registry keys as well.


  • SlaDER's suggestion helped to resolve the same issue in my case. Thank you..

  • Thanks SlaDER solution solved the issue, only you have to add the symantec backup exec computer object to the administrators group of SQL server.