Forum Discussion

Rob_Muller's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Mount failed Error

Job Completion Status
Job ended: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 9:00:06 AM
Completed status: Canceled, timed out
The job was automatically canceled because it
exceeded the job's maximum configured
run time.

Click an error below to locate it in the job log
- Error - Mount failed.
Operation aborted

Alright, so my daily backup to a tape drive job is failing. It's returning the above error. When I go into the event logs on my server, it stands out to me that I'm getting a File Replication Service error. it is Event ID 13568 which claims "The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set "DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)" is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR." Seems like these two things might be related, but I'm not sure.

At this point I have a few questions:  Which error is causing the other, or are they completely seperate? What does "Mount failed" entail, the Tape backup drive or the harddrives? And of course, What can I do to fix this?

  • Restarting the service fixed it all. I wish I would have checked that out a long time ago.

    Since the connection to the Tape Backup drive was cut, BE didn't know why no data was getting back to it. So when I restarted the service it simply reconnected. This cleared out all the jobs that wouldn't go through, and it fixed the Mount Failed error.

    The JRNL_WRAP_ERROR was a totally seperate deal.
  • I forgot to add some pertinent info to this post, so here's some more information:

    It started when I did a full backup to a USB harddrive, which took roughly 48 hours. It ended up knocking out two other daily backups, which I assumed failed because it was busy working on that big one. As I look at the Job monitor, I can see that every daily backup since then has failed, whether or not they overlapped with the backup-to-disk job.

    The very first daily backup job to get canceled for passing the overtime rule, claims that it backed up everything but didn't finish its verification of the second item (first item is the information storage, second is D:, third is C: , fourth is Shadow Copy Components). It only got halfway through and then quit (presumably because it was taking a long time since the 'full backup' was running and it went over its 12 hour mark).

    But now, every daily backup fails, even though that 'full backup' has ended a long time ago. And they all claim the mount failed. Does this mean my Tape Drive went bad? or is something holding on to it and it needs to be reset somehow?

  • So at this point I've discovered that the connection to the tape drive was broken, specifically, one screw was stripped out and the other was busted right off. Looks like it got tugged on too hard while the new server was being placed in the rack.

    So that connection came undone. I tried reconnecting and I sent an Eject Job to the tape drive just to see if it was working. That never happened, so I told it to cancel. Now it's just sitting there, trying to cancel it, but it can't. 

    How do I force it to cancel all the current jobs?  tonight I'm going to restart the server, hoping that resets its connection with the tape drive.

    I have no previous experience with tape drives, so any help anyone could give would be really nice.

  • Restarting the service fixed it all. I wish I would have checked that out a long time ago.

    Since the connection to the Tape Backup drive was cut, BE didn't know why no data was getting back to it. So when I restarted the service it simply reconnected. This cleared out all the jobs that wouldn't go through, and it fixed the Mount Failed error.

    The JRNL_WRAP_ERROR was a totally seperate deal.