Forum Discussion

Jim_Smith's avatar
Level 3
20 years ago

MSSQL$Bkupexec/SQLAgent$Bkupexec Services?

What are these services used for? Do they need to be started to backup remote SQL databases?

I assume MSSQL$Bkupexec is a core service that needs to be started, but how does it effect remote SQL backups.


1 Reply

  • Hello,

    To backup SQL server, Backup Exec SQL Agent needs to be installed on the media server.

    SQL Agent gets installed on the Backup Exec server.
    When the SQL server is remote to Backup Exec server then also the SQL agent is installed on the Backup Exec server and Remote Agent on the remote SQL server.

    Installation of SQL agent option does not create any Service.

    The service SQLAGENT$BKUPEXEC and MSSQL$BKUPEXEC is related to Backup Exec Database (BEDB).
    These services gets added to the services applet after the Backup Exec installation. The installation creates an SQL 2000 MSDE instance named BKUPEXEC. All the jobs, catalogs, alert, media and device related information are stored in the BEDB database.

    Status of the SQLAGENT$BKUPEXEC should be manual and stopped, and MSSQL$BKUPEXEC service should be automatic and started.

    SQLServerAgent service is added during the SQL server installation.


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