Forum Discussion

gjg-mn's avatar
Level 2
17 years ago

Sony SDX-470V driver issue

We have a new server and installed BE 11d rev 7170, we have a Sony SATA tape drive SDX-470V.  I've tried the driver that BE comes with and downloaded "be7170RHF3_32bit_288038.exe" and installed it's driver, both give me the following error when Be does the driver load:

Driver load failure 0x800F020B for SCSI\SequentialSONY____SDX-470V________0100

then I get a RSM error in event viewer:

RSM cannot manage library Tape0. The database is corrupt

I downloaded the driver from sony's website and it detects it fine in windows and RSM, I ran a backup using Windows backup fine, but BE won't detect it, just 0 devices listed, tried the Insttape.exe using all options but end up with the same errors above.  What can I do to get this working in BE 11d???


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