Forum Discussion

sparkshadow's avatar
14 years ago

The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding.


I am encountering issues with Symantec Exec 12.5 while running our backups.  The company recently moved physical locations and I am a new hire learning the new systems and processes.  I believe the issue must be related to the physical move (same ISP, different IP), but am looking for assistance to anyone out there that is familiar with Symantec Backup Exec 12.5.

Backups media is disk

I am running :


Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 for Windows Servers
Media Server: Version 12.5 Rev. 2213
Administration Console: Version 12.5 Rev 2213
Desktop and Laptop Options: Version 3.1 Rev. 3.41.32a
FIPS Version: Not Enabled.

Event Viewer has the following reports:


Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed

Server: "<SERVER>") (Job: "DAILYJOB") DAILYJOB -- The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding.

Faulting application bengine.exe, version 12.5.2213.172, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.4062, fault address 0x0000bee7.


An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
 Changer: SetUpProperties() GetDiskFreeSpace failed (H:\VERITAS\B2D\).  Error=3 
An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
 Changer: MoveMedium() Attempt to Lock Slot Failed (H:\VERITAS\B2D\Folder.lck).  Error=3 

Troubleshooting already done:

Stopped/Started Backup Exec Services in the Tools - Backup Services 

Ran a test run of a backup - encountered Connection Stalled issues.

Went into Devices and Paused/Unpaused device in the device list.

Test Run works okay:

Test Run results:


Credentials Check:
Device: \\<domain>, \\<domain>\<folder>
Check status: Success
Media Capacity Check:
Capacity check status: Success
Media Check
Media check status: Success
Job started     : Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:03:28 AMJob ended       : Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:18:38 AMCompleted status: Successful

When running a backup job, the error received is:

Error category    : Job ErrorsError             : e00081d9 - The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding.

  • Hi sparkshadow,


    Have you considered updating your media server with any available patches for BE 12.5? This is what I would recommend firstly, and then push any updates out to any remote servers you may have.

    Once done, try the backup again. If it fails, run a repair of your installation.

    Changing ISP IPs shouldn't have an impact UNLESS you changed the IP address of your media server. This would cause a host of other errors though.



7 Replies

  • Thanks for the link Kiran.


    I have verified the one instance of bengine.exe, and end task on the process tree.

    The services all restart without an error, but when attempting to run a backup job, the job fails with the error reported in my original post.

    So still no solution yet.

  • Have you tried re-creating the B2D folder?

    For step by step instructions you can refer to BE admin guide Pg 418 & 419.

    Best Regards..

  • Hi sparkshadow,


    Have you considered updating your media server with any available patches for BE 12.5? This is what I would recommend firstly, and then push any updates out to any remote servers you may have.

    Once done, try the backup again. If it fails, run a repair of your installation.

    Changing ISP IPs shouldn't have an impact UNLESS you changed the IP address of your media server. This would cause a host of other errors though.



  • Hi ,


    It seems that backup is going on removable disk were you have created removable b2d & trying to backup

    For isolation I would recommend you to create backup to disk on local drive of your computer & then run backup to see if that helps

    & also this is the link which help you to troubleshoot the issue in more granular way


    Thank You

  • It appears that updates have helped.

    The server itself had over 80+ Windows Updates to complete, so that was done.

    The BE software also had two updates to complete as per LiveUpdate, so that was done.

    After the installation and reboot of the server, I did get another error, but it was because I did not update the remote agent software on the corresponding remote machines.  Once this was complete, the daily scheduled job worked.

    Now I am getting an error when backing up the local machine to another drive on the same machine (for testing purposes before I start creating jobs to a remote server/external source).

  • Hi,


    Did you come right here?

    If so, can you close this off by marking the solution?
