Forum Discussion

rickh_2's avatar
18 years ago

vff open failure

When I try to view a backup from the restore tab on BE 11 from a backup-to-disk forder, Backup Exec 11 gives me this error box:
[SYMANTEC][Backup Exec Catalog Driver] (Unable to complete the operation for the selected resouce using the specified options ofr the following reason:  VFF Open Failure.  This can be caused by low memory or disk resources)
I have plenty of hard drive space (over 500GB) and 4 Gigs of RAM on the server, so I know that this is not the cause.  There is limited and/or no documentation on this subject and I have only found one entry in this forums and it isn't any help.
Please help!

8 Replies

  • Hi Richk,
    If you are still running Backup Exec for Windows Servers v11d rev 6235, please upgrade to rev 7170, as this has been seen to fix the issue you are experiencing.  Rev 7170 can be found at (under Trial ware) or at (BEWS 11.0.7170 32bit) or (BEWS 11.0.7170 64 bit)
    Please let me know how it goes.
  • Hello,
    I am currently running 11d 7170 with up to hot fix 4 installed; and I to am experiencing VFF Open Failure with plenty of free memory and drive space. Oddly enough it just started June 8th and occurs on every backup since then.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • JL,
    Have you tried rebooting the Backup server?
    VFF stands for VirtFile Filter driver which loads only during the OS boot up. This driver is used for Exchange backups as it relates to the GRT feature.
    If you continue to have the same error after a reboot you should call our Tech Support so they can gather logs and information to determine the problem and possibly post a technote on the issue.
  • I rebooted and ran a test job and still get the same thing. I should have mentioned this earlier; that it is happening when backing up Exchange Server 2007, which has tons of free disk space and memory - except that Exchange likes to use up all but 2GB of available RAM. Below is a clip of the test job log. Even though it says Access denied it has no trouble accessing the store during the backup or during a credentials test. I can send the full log file if need be.
    Job Completion Status
    Job ended: Monday, June 11, 2007 at 12:50:40 PMCompleted status: FailedFinal error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied.Final error category: Security ErrorsFor additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33928

    Click an error below to locate it in the job log

    Backup- \\exch03.gbgroup.lan\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
    Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources.
  • JL,
    Try these steps:
    1) On the Exchange server - browse to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS
    2) Right-click the beremote.exe file and select Properties
    3) Click on the version tab and verify it is version 11.0.7170
    4) Run Msinfo32.exe and click on Software Environment -> System Drivers
    5) Verify that VirtFile driver is there and started
    6) If none of that is correct then you should push install the remote agent to the Exchange server.
    7) On the Backup server
    8) Do steps 1-5 above
    9) In the Backup Exec console click on Tools -> Options -> Restore
    10) Verify the "Path on media server for staging temporary restore data when restoring individual items from tape" is set to a volume and folder that has enough free space for the entire size of your Exchange databases.
    11) Under Tools -> Options -> Microsoft Exchange make sure "Enable legacy mailbox backup" is unchecked
    Are you backing up to disk or to tape?
    In the Exchange backup job verify the following:
    Selecting only the Microsoft Information Store
    NOT using Advanced Open File Option (AOFO)
    "Enable the restore of individual items..." is checked (GRT)
    For Exchange 2007 there is an option to backup from the LCR - change the drop-down to "Backup from the ACTIVE copy only"
    Try running the job again.
    If you still get there error - you will need to call in to our support line so that more troubleshooting can be performed.
  • Dean,
    I ended up starting a support case (#281136500) after I tried all of your suggestions and was still getting the errors. Support went through the steps you suggested also; we even tried removing the Exchange Agent and reinstalling it and still no luck. They haven't come up with a solution yet and are going to keep working on it.......
    As near as I can tell the problems started the day Hot Fix 4 & 5 were applied, but in the time since then I have somehow managed to get one or two good Exchange backups, but the rest fail at the very end. Is there a way to increase the logging level so we can better see what and where it fails a little better?
  • any findings and conclusion on this? i'm facing the same problem and has open a support case. symantec is saying its due to insufficient memory. i've put a limit on the memory usage and is still facing the same problem
  • Had the same issue, changed Disk Space Reserve from 100GB to 10GB resolved the issue.

    Right click B2D  folder > Properties > Advanced

