Forum Discussion

rsiddiqi's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Virtual machine backup

I do full backup of Virtual machines (Windows 2008/2012) on weekends. I am using Backup Exec 2010 R3. If there is a server crash during weekend I am able to restore the full server from weekend copy however it will not be upto date. I am looking to backup system state and shadow copy components of all virtual servers during weekdays. So when server crash during weekdays I can restore it from weekend copy and then update system state and shodow copy component from weekdays backup copy.

Will this going to work? Any ideas?



  • System State/Shadow Copy Components do not contain data that change very often. Instead of backing up just these components on a daily basis (on weekdays), why not run a full backup of the complete system on weekends and on the other days, run incremental/differentials instead ?

4 Replies

  • Hi,


    Yes...the restore depends on whether or not you do Incremental or Differential backups.

    Read the Admin Guide for more information on this, and how to do the restores.


  • During weekdays, I will do full system and shadow copy components back for all Windows virtual servers so there will be no Incremental or Differential backups during weekdays. I will take the latest copy (the day before the server crash) after a full restore from weekend job and apply the changes.

  • System State/Shadow Copy Components do not contain data that change very often. Instead of backing up just these components on a daily basis (on weekdays), why not run a full backup of the complete system on weekends and on the other days, run incremental/differentials instead ?

  • Correct. The data is backup separately during weekdays and weekend.