Forum Discussion

jose_pamplona's avatar
10 years ago

implemented DLO - Desktop and Laptop Option 7.6 SP1

Hello I'm implemented DLO ( Desktop and Laptop Option 7.6 SP1).

I'm in trouble with the high use of MPLS link when you start DLO backup's desktops .

When I start the backup it allocates all the bandwidth of the link and compromises the use of other applications. Can you tell me if it is possible to configure and limit for the DLO Desktops use the 64 Kbps maximum for desktop link MPLS ?


José Pamplona

  • Edit the Profile and there is a tab called Backup Throttling. Have a look @ the various options at this tab.

  • Hello ,

    I've configured the tab Backup Throttling (attached) but my link monitoring tool indicates a high utilization of my link MPLS (attached) .

    What should I set the parameters for limiting the use of the band of my link MPLS ?

    thank you

    José Pamplona

  • This KB may help -

    Also, give different values to all 3 "buckets". Currently, you have set the same value for all settings, i.e. Low, Medium & High.