Forum Discussion

Ariphaneus's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Back Track Exported Item to Archive and Mailbox Folder

I'm hoping this is a simple question.  We have DA 9.0 running on a windows server 2008 R2 box with the client on a windows xp sp3 box.  We are looking to trace an exported item back to the Archive from which it was pulled as well as the folder from which it was pulled.  i.e. Archive jmcsweeney in sent items.  Either I'm missing something or we need to trace it by the item ID or the SaveSetID.  Also if there is a flag somewhere that I can set to sho this level of granularity.  Any assistance is much appreciated.

  • Ended up directing our Security officer to the history tab of the item in the review pane.  Thank you for all your input.

4 Replies

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  • Hello, Ariphaneus;

    Unfortunately, that's not a simple question.  We need to be able to look into both the DA Customer database to identify the archive from which the item was exported as well as the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database to obtain the folder from which the item was archived.

    To get the archive from which the item was exported, we need either the DiscoveredItemID or the KVSSavesetID (a.k.a., SavesetID).  Once we have that information, we can obtain the ArchiveID (incorrectly a.k.a., VaultID).  Once we have the ArchiveID and SavesetID, we can look in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database for the folder information.

    Please let me know what information you actually have about an item so I can craft the SQL queries needed to provide the information you need.  Also, do you have your DA Customer database on the same SQL instance as the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database?


  • I did a bit more research into this, Ariphaneus;  I found that we DO have the item location in the DA Customer database - in a table named tblItemLocation.  Here is a SQL query yoiu can use if you have the DiscoveredItemID of an exported item:

    SELECT tidi.DiscoveredItemID
         , tidi.KVSSavesetID
         , tidi.VaultID
         , tv.KVSVaultName
         , tv.KVSVaultEntryID
         , tidi.ItemLocationID
         , til.ItemPath
    FROM [dbo].[tblIntDiscoveredItems] AS tidi
    JOIN [dbo].[tblVaults] AS tv
      ON tidi.VaultID = tv.VaultID
    JOIN [dbo].[tblItemLocation] AS til
      ON tidi.ItemLocationID = til.ItemLocationID
    WHERE tidi.DiscoveredItemID = '#####'     -- replace ##### with the DiscoveredItemID of the item in question

    If you have the item's ProductionID (a.k.a., ExportID), we just need to make a few changes as follows:

    SELECT tidi.DiscoveredItemID
         , tidi.KVSSavesetID
         , tidi.VaultID
         , tv.KVSVaultName
         , tv.KVSVaultEntryID
         , tidi.ItemLocationID
         , til.ItemPath
    FROM [dbo].[tblIntDiscoveredItems] AS tidi
    JOIN [dbo].[tblVaults] AS tv
      ON tidi.VaultID = tv.VaultID
    JOIN [dbo].[tblItemLocation] AS til
      ON tidi.ItemLocationID = til.ItemLocationID
    JOIN [dbo].[tblProductionToDiscoveredItem] AS tptdi
      ON tidi.DiscoveredItemID = tptdi.DiscoveredItemID
    WHERE tptdi.ProductionID = '#####'     -- replace ##### with the ProductionID of the item in question

    If you only have the SavesetID, use the first query with a modification to the WHERE line as follows:

    SELECT tidi.DiscoveredItemID
         , tidi.KVSSavesetID
         , tidi.VaultID
         , tv.KVSVaultName
         , tv.KVSVaultEntryID
         , tidi.ItemLocationID
         , til.ItemPath
    FROM [dbo].[tblIntDiscoveredItems] AS tidi
    JOIN [dbo].[tblVaults] AS tv
      ON tidi.VaultID = tv.VaultID
    JOIN [dbo].[tblItemLocation] AS til
      ON tidi.ItemLocationID = til.ItemLocationID
    WHERE KVSSavesetID LIKE '##~##~#~##'     -- Replace ##~##~#~## with the SavesetID of the item in question.

    When you see the output, the folder path will have a couple of characters that look like a narrow box that represents the top level folder of the mailbox.  Any subfolders will be separated from its parent folder by a single narrow box character. For example, an item from the Inbox would have a path that looks something like: []Inbox.  As another example, an item from the Microsoft at Work subfolder of the RSS Feeds folder would have a path that look something like: []RSS Feeds[]Microsoft at Work.

    I hope this helps.  Please let us know if you need anything different that what this information provides.


  • Hi,

    Do you have any updates on this thread? Do you need more assistance regarding this topic?

    If not then please mark the post that best solves your problem as the answer to this thread.

  • Ended up directing our Security officer to the history tab of the item in the review pane.  Thank you for all your input.