Forum Discussion

bc1410's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Trying to Upgrade clearwell from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3

Im trying to upgrade to 8.1.1 eventually but inorder to get there I need to go to 7.1.3 then to 8.1 etc....  My PROBLEM is that when I try the upgrade from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 I click on the setup program for 7.1.3 and I get the following message right away.


"MySQL 5.5.8 has been identified on the system.  To successfully upgrade MySQL (part of Clearwell), you must run the installer under the same account that was originally used to install MySQL 5.5.8.  Please login with the correct account before running the installation"


So the problem is I dont know what account was used.  Is there a force command to install/upgrade my version of 7.1.2 to 7.1.3.   I have tried the following that someone had used to upgrade 7.1.3 to 7.1.4 and it worked but it did not work for my upgrade path and gave me same message regarding the need to login as account that origianlly insstalled software etc..

Tried this but still nothing..     ...\setup.exe /v"FORCEMYSQLUPGRADE=1"


Not sure what do do now.  We have searched the registry to see if we could determine a MySQL install instance but cant see to find it.   Also there is no uninstall package for MySQL 5.5.8 in the control panel remove program section.  MySQL is definitly on the system as I can login into it and get to the MySQL prompt via the command prompt.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




1 Reply

  • Hello bc1410,

    I see that your post was a few months back and not too sure where you are with this upgrade, but I wanted to put a few suggestions out there

    • Attached is a document on how to determine the MySQL user which from your post I assume you've already seen. If not, check out the options presented. The document references the mysqltester.jar file that's only available internally, however, it can be provided to you to use if needed.
    • If you still cannot find the MySQL user, I would strongly recommend a Node Restore of 7.1.3 into a fresh install of eDiscovery Platform 8.x as follows:
      1. Create Node Backups of 7.1.3 in the CW Utility along with separate Case Backups
      2. Completely uninstall 7.1.3 How to completely uninstall Clearwell 
      3. Install 8.1.1 R1 or 8.2 (which has been out now for a few months)
      4. Perform a Node Restore of 7.1.3 into 8.x from the CW Utility
      5. Confirm all Cases have a Status of On-Line under All Processing 

    I hope that helps :smileyhappy: