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Dushan_Gomez's avatar
14 years ago

Abnormal error occurred in Stream object Error ?


Is there anything that I should look or worry about this error event ID:


EVSrv01-VM 09/04/2011 6:15:22 PM
Enterprise Vault 
Abnormal error occurred in Stream object
Name: C:\DOCUME~1\evadmin\LOCALS~1\Temp\EV_CVT_Temp_1\0002.htm
Reference: OF/cf
because this is one of the event viewer that I come across with during my investigation in EV Server backup failure.
  • The fact that it grows to 5.4GB then goes down to nothing to me suggests you have your Vault Store Partition set to "After Backup" meaning that items have to be backed up on the Enterprise Vault Stores before the items are removed from the journal mailbox.

    In Enterprise Vault on the Vault Store Partition Properties you have three options for removing safety copies

    1. After Backup
    2. After Backup (Immediately For Journaling)
    3. Immediately

    In an After Backup scenario ALL mailboxes regardless of being a user mailbox, resource mailbox, journal mailbox etc, will have their items put in to a pending mode, so that the item exists both in Enterprise Vault and in Exchange, then when the item on the Enterprise Vault server is confirmed as being "Secure" (i.e. backed up to tape or disk and the archive bit removed), then it switches from a Pending Item to an Archived Item (replaced with a shortcut).

    In regards to Journaling, it simply deletes the item out of the mailbox after the backup has been confirmed

    In an After Backup (Immediately For Journaling) scenario, mailboxes have items put in to a pending mode, and will await for the items to be backed up before turning them in to a full archived item shortcut, however because most companies with journaling end up having huge mailboxes and cannot wait for a backup to occur, they take a small risk by saying "Immediately After Archiving", meaning as soon as Enterprise Vault has confirmed it has stored the item on the EV Servers, then it will simply delete the message out of the journal mailbox.

    The last scenario is Immediately after archiving, meaning that for all mailboxes, when you run an archiving task, or someone manually archives an item, or an item gets journaled, then it will keep them in a pending state for only a few seconds until EV has confirmed it has archived the item properly.

    This one has the most risk, for instance if you have an item in your mailbox and you archive it, EV goes ahead and creates the files necessary on the EV server, and then it effectively deletes the original message in the users mailbox replacing it with a shortcut (i.e instead of being a long email with 5000 characters, it now is limited to 500 characters, and the attachments have been stripped etc).....

    When you double click the item, it then retrieves from the EV storage, if the EV Server is offline or the data isn't available on the server, they will see an error that item could not be retrieved.....So the risk then comes in if you lose EV storage BEFORE the item has been backed up, if you have to go back to a previous nights backup, you have now lost data (because the new item was never backed up) etc

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