Forum Discussion

mamangbadag's avatar
6 years ago

Accidentaly deleted vault store database in SQL

Hi guys we have problem about vault partition

we have two vault store partition in our enterprise vault let say 'VS for OA' and 'VS for EM', accidentaly the 'VS for EM' deleted in the SQL server, and then in the VAC the vault store cannot be deleted, because EV always searching the 'VS for EM' in the SQL server. we have try to delete connection string in ODBC via Registry and then we restart the EV server, but the vault store cannot be deleted, until we try restart sql server also the problem not be gone, if we  delete the vault store the VAC will be shown "couldn't not delete the vault store 'VS for EM' because the Storage Service on '' is not running" but we check in the services.msc, all EV service are running.

we have several event ID and capture below

 Evant ID 41619

A transient error is preventing the execution of a SQL command. Enterprise Vault will try to run the command again. Command: 'EVSqlConnection: DB: Data Source=BDI-PRD-EVDB;Initial Catalog=EVVSVSForEM_2;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=120' Attempt: 15 of 40. Last Error: Cannot open database "EVVSVSForEM_2" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'CORP\ev.admin'. 


Event ID 13397


Thanks for your attention

8 Replies

  • That is not something which can be resolved in the forum. You will need to contact support for this.

    Do you have a backup of that Vault Store database? Can you restore it?

    • mamangbadag's avatar
      Level 2

      actually we don't have backup the vault store database, i have contacted support but no respons

      • plaudone1's avatar
        Level 6


        Without a DB backup it will be difficult for Support to get the environment working. Even an old datbase backup would be useful as there is an EVSVR > Repair > ArchivesVaultStore operation that can recreate the entries in the vault store.  Then a Repair > DatabaseReferences can be run to ensure all the partition data is referenced properly.  

        Without this a new vault store would have to be created and some manual manipulation can be attempted to try and get the DB prepared to run the above operations.  Typically, this is more of a consulting issue rather than a Support issue as Support would rely on having some form of backup. 

