Forum Discussion

SilverICE's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Browser Search

Can anyone tell me how to remove the "Browser Search" link off of the searcho2k.asp page?


    Issue resolved.  I had to clear my IE browser cache.  That bit of info (along with the exact section of the searcho2k file) would be awesome if included in the instructions, but since it states that "The change takes effect immediately" I didn't think about it.

3 Replies

  • The administrator's guide show how to do this.  It's on PG 147 of the v2007 SP4 version:


    To remove Browser Search
    1 Use Windows Notepad to open the file searcho2k.xsl. This is in a
    subfolder beneath the Webapp folder, which itself is in the Enterprise Vault
    program folder. On English systems, the folder is typically:
    C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\Webapp\en
    2 Use Find to find the word “Browser” in the following section in the file:
    <SPAN CLASS="cmdlink" onClick="WebAppSearch()"
    3 Remove Browser&nbsp;search, and then save your changes.
    The change takes effect immediately.

  • Hmmm, doesn't seem to work.  In fact, I don't have the section mentioned in the Admin Guide in my searcho2k.xsl file.


    I have a similar section that reads: <A CLASS="cmdlink" HREF="javascript&colonWebAppSearch()" onMouseDown="'inset'" onMouseUp="'outset'" onMouseOver="'outset'" onMouseOut="if(document.activeElement!=this){SetStatus(false);'solid'}" onMouseMove="SetStatus(true)" onFocus="SetStatus(true);'outset'" onBlur="SetStatus(false);'solid'" TITLE="Browser&nbsp;search">Browser&nbsp;search</A>


    I've deleted everything in red above and even remarked out the entire line, yet the Browser Search link still appears.  The instructions say it takes effect immediately but still after restarting all EV services and an IISreset - no luck.


    Any other ideas?


    Issue resolved.  I had to clear my IE browser cache.  That bit of info (along with the exact section of the searcho2k file) would be awesome if included in the instructions, but since it states that "The change takes effect immediately" I didn't think about it.