Forum Discussion

felos's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

cannot zap mailbox; error creating mapi session exchange 2010


i have upgraded our EV Environment to EV 9.0.1.

We are using Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010 on the client. Since i have a problem with mailboxes which where disabled prior to the upgrade not archiving any mails, i have an ongoing support call with symantec.

they asked me to zap the mailboxes using evpm and try again. According to other threads this could really sort things out, but unfortunately i am unable to create the privileged MAPI Session.

i am alwas getting the following:



Creating privileged MAPI session ...

Error creating privileged MAPI session


The eventlog shows the following error:

An error has been reported by ConfigureMsgService.  It may be due to a problem contacting a Global Catalogue Server.


Exchange Server: PLATSRV055


Error: MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR 0x80040115Creating privileged MAPI session ...

Error creating privileged MAPI session

According to Symantec Support this refers to a problem with the Global Catalog and i should use a registry key to use a certain global catalog.

According to Microsoft this setting is no longer in use with exchange server 2010 and should not be used! 

Exchange 2010 uses the Client Access Server instead.

I have no idea how to zap the mailboxes. 

Any Ideas what could cause the problem?

I am using the Vault Service Account and i am logged on to the server console with the vault service account.

the problem exists for 4 months now and i am getting tired trying the different things.




  • First, the article. EVNoodles refers to:

    The Closest GC and DS Server registry values that are specified in this article will not work correctly if the mailbox is hosted on Exchange Server 2010. In this case, the Closest GC key should never be used, and the value of the DS Server entry should be set to the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Exchange Server 2010 CAS.

    Regarding the name, I am wrong. I am zapping PERMISSIONS on the archive, not zapping the mailbox.

    If you want to get the specific distinguished name, run the Mailbox task in report mode, and get it from there.


5 Replies

  • Hi Felos,

    It is indeed tiring when you do this for 4 months already.

    I had the same issue a while ago (although on Exchange 2007), and it turned out that I had to use the Exchange server where the ev-systemmailbox was on.)

    Additionally, I used the archive-id instead of legacydn or something, and I found that when I used ONLY the vaultid it worked fine. When using the domain behind it, it failed with same error.

    My zap.ini file looks like:

    DirectoryComputerName = XXEVDS
    SiteName = VAULTXX

    ArchiveName = 185106131842C3849A9A1CE7060DB7E291110000VAULTXX
    Zap = true

    Commandline I use is:

    Command prompt, switch to d:\program files(x86)\enterprise vault

    Edit zap.ini, replace the archive id with the one for which you want to zap permissions. Save as UNICODE file.

    evpm.exe -e EXCHANGESERVERNAME -m EV-SystemMailbox -f D:\Support\zap.ini

    Do you see any events in eventviewer on the EV-server, and on the Exchange-server?

  • hello GertjanA,

    I had the same issue a while ago (although on Exchange 2007), and it turned out that I had to use the Exchange server where the ev-systemmailbox was on.)

    i have only one exchange mailboxserver and there is the ev-systemmailbox also.

    ArchiveName = 185106131842C3849A9A1CE7060DB7E291110000VAULTXX

    here you use the VaultStoreEntryId from the dbo.Archive table from the corresponding mailbox, am i right?

    at the moment my zap.ini looks like this (according to Symantec):


    DirectoryComputerName = XXEVServerXX 
    Sitename = XXEVsitename 
    DistinguishedName = /o=test/ou=test/cn=Recipients/cn=Origin/cn=user 
    Name = Mailboxroot 
    Zap = True

    Is it possible to just replace DistinguishedName = /o=test/ou=test/cn=Recipients/cn=Origin/cn=user with ArchiveName = 185106131842C3849A9A1CE7060DB7E291110000VAULTXX

  • First, the article. EVNoodles refers to:

    The Closest GC and DS Server registry values that are specified in this article will not work correctly if the mailbox is hosted on Exchange Server 2010. In this case, the Closest GC key should never be used, and the value of the DS Server entry should be set to the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Exchange Server 2010 CAS.

    Regarding the name, I am wrong. I am zapping PERMISSIONS on the archive, not zapping the mailbox.

    If you want to get the specific distinguished name, run the Mailbox task in report mode, and get it from there.


  • hi,

    glad to report that zapping mailboxes is now possible.

    According to the last part in the article i set the DS Server key to my CAS Server and ignored the Glosest GC Key.

    Also my archiving problem seems to be solved but i need some further testing.


    thank you for the support and your suggestions.

