Forum Discussion

Johnathan1234's avatar
7 years ago

Enterprise V10.0.4 Indexing services Start then Stop

Hi All

Two of my Vault servers are now experiencing this issue where the Servie starts but stop 20 seconds later.

I have tried the following with no luck

Below is the DTrace

[Opened: 2018/04/19 10:11:13]

VAC trace entry info
Trace category:
Mailbox archiving issues (Exchange)

Indexing Issues

Case description:

Start time:
19/04/2018 10:11:12

Running time:
10 Minutes

Maximum log size:
500 MB

Windows version: 6.1.7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2, Service Pack 1)

Time zone: GMT Daylight Time
Time difference to UTC: +1:00


Enabled Trace options

Id Name Detail Include Events
2 - AgentClientBroker Verbose Yes
5 - ArchiveTask Verbose Yes
15 - dllhost Verbose Yes
20 - EVArchivingReportGenerator Verbose Yes
30 - EVExchangeWebServicesProxy Verbose Yes
98 - StorageArchive Verbose Yes
108 - w3wp Verbose Yes


Display Filter:
Include strings:

Exclude strings:

Current File Rollover Settings: 100Mb


Running in Terminal Services session...
Monitoring debug output from processes running in the console session
Monitoring debug output from processes running in the current Terminal Services session

20 10:11:26.742 [8940] (EVIndexAdminService) <9592> EV~W |Event ID: 41395 Enterprise Vault will now create the indexing metadata. The Indexing service will be unavailable until the metadata has been created. The creation will begin immediately and may take some time to complete. See the documentation for further details.
58 10:11:29.473 [8940] (EVIndexAdminService) <9592> EV~E |Event ID: 41293 An unexpected error has occurred.|Error Summary: Indexing Service start up error |Error Details: The exception [rights-execute] was thrown. |Reference: ServiceBaseEx::Run |Stack Trace: at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.ReThrowAsTypedFaultExceptionIfAppropriate(FaultException faultEx)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method, String server)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Common.IndexingWCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineProxy.RepositoryListXml()| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineIndexingEngine.GetIndexVolumeNames(Boolean filterInvalidNames)| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IVMetadataSync.PerformSync(String metadataPath, Boolean isCompleteSync)| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexingEngineMonitor.PerformIVMetadataSynchronization(IndexAdminService indexAdminservice)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.ContinueOrAbortStartup(Action action)| at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexAdminService.OnPerformStartup(Boolean HotRestart)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.Run()
63 10:11:39.082 [8940] (EVIndexAdminService) <9592> EV~I |Event ID: 41298 The Indexing Service has stopped (

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