Forum Discussion

Coen_van_Dijk's avatar
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault 10 - Indexes with missing items


We are using EVault 10 to Archive our Exchnage 2007 and 2010 mailboxes. At this moment EVault has 141 Indexes with 'Missing Items' (as show by the Index Volumes Browser


I would like to fix this but nothing so far seems to work.

Choosing Rebuild gisves likes like this:

Rebuild index volume started at 02-03-2012 08:35:14

 Archive Name: Achmad, Veronique
 Archive Id: 1804ADA95B649CF44AF1B2F2EC6F00AED1110000entvault
 Rebuild Scope: Index Volume
 Index Volume Identity: 1726
 Index Volume Range: 1-9814
 Root Path Id: 19AFDA915DB3281438BDF6ADB497973091810000entvault
 Folder: 1804ADA95B649CF44AF1B2F2EC6F00AED1110000entvault
 Root Path: K:\Indexing
 Index Server: entvault1.pggm-intra.intern
 Volume Type: 32-bit

02-03-2012 08:35:15 Estimated items to index: 9814

02-03-2012 08:35:15 Creating new hidden index volume.
02-03-2012 08:35:15 Hidden index volume created with identity 10595 and sequence number range 1-9814

02-03-2012 08:35:15 Setting the following source index volumes to read only:
02-03-2012 08:35:15 Volume identity: 1726, Range: 1-9814
02-03-2012 08:35:15 Source index volumes have been set to read only.

02-03-2012 08:35:23 Adding items to the new index volume.

02-03-2012 08:48:46 The following items failed to be indexed into the new index volume:

SeqNo SSID URL Error Code Raw Error
6993 653000000000000~200906071919450000~0~2A54C5AEDEB8492A9E01C05A1DE119E http://entvault1.pggm-intra.intern/EnterpriseVault/download.asp?VaultID=1804ADA95B649CF44AF1B2F2EC6F00AED1110000entvault&SavesetID=653000000000000~200906071919450000~0~2A54C5AEDEB8492A9E01C05A1DE119E&Request=NativeItem 100 Error encountered whilst trying to fetch item Sequence Number '6993' Item Identifier '653000000000000~200906071919450000~0~2A54C5AEDEB8492A9E01C05A1DE119E'

02-03-2012 08:53:00 Completed adding items to the new index volume.

02-03-2012 08:53:00 Replacing the old index volume information with the new index volume information in the Vault Store database.
02-03-2012 08:53:00 Completed replacing the old index volume information with the new index volume information in the Vault Store database.

02-03-2012 08:53:00 Replacing the old index volume with the new index volume in the Directory database.
02-03-2012 08:53:00 Completed replacing the old index volume with the new index volume in the Directory database.
02-03-2012 08:53:00 The following source index volume identities have been marked for deletion, and will be deleted automatically: 1726

02-03-2012 08:53:00 This stage of the rebuild has completed. Summary:
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Index Volume Identity: 10595
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Index Volume Range: 1-9814
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Items indexed: 9813 including 15 item(s) with missing content
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Failed items: 1
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Total items processed: 9814

02-03-2012 08:53:00 The rebuild has completed this stage.

02-03-2012 08:53:00 Rebuild summary:
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Total items indexed: 9813, 15 item(s) with missing content
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Total failed items: 1
02-03-2012 08:53:00  Total items processed: 9814

02-03-2012 08:53:00 The rebuild has completed successfully and reported some issues.

For more information, see the online index troubleshooting technical note at:


So it seems that EVaul tis trying to Rebuild an 32bit index. Which is weird. When looking at the properties of the Exchange Mailbox (EVault Console -> Archives -> Exchange Mailbox) I only see a 64bit index for the mailbox

Has anybody seen the same behavour? And knows the solution?


Thanks in advance!

Coen van Dijk

  • Here is the specific technote about missing items.  It isn't unsual to have items that cannot be indexed, like jpg's or pdf's that can't be indexed.  This is probably what you are seeing.

    Items Missing Content

    Article: HOWTO56247  |  Created: 2011-07-27  |  Updated: 2011-09-12  |  Article URL

2 Replies

  • As part of the rebuild EV will upgrade any 32bit Indexes it finds to 64bit. I presume your installation was upgraded to EV10? Did you perform any Index Upgrades as part of this?


    Have you performed a health check? Here is a TN that holds links to many other EV10 Indexing articles,   

  • Here is the specific technote about missing items.  It isn't unsual to have items that cannot be indexed, like jpg's or pdf's that can't be indexed.  This is probably what you are seeing.

    Items Missing Content

    Article: HOWTO56247  |  Created: 2011-07-27  |  Updated: 2011-09-12  |  Article URL