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mjscreen1's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Enterprise Vault 7133 event log messages


We are seeing Event ID 7133 = "Some files were not collected because they have not been backed up. " for a Closed partition - I am trying to 100% clear on what is happening - hence posting "my theory" for validating or dismissing.

We are backing up partitions and use trigger files - same as for the open partition.
The Collection process finishes well inside the time window allocated for collections.
I see the 7133 event message is Informational.


"Log Name:      Symantec Enterprise Vault
Source:        Enterprise Vault
Date:          18/01/2015 18:10:43
Event ID:      7133
Task Category: Storage File Watch
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Description:   A Partition's Collector run has finished.

Some files were not collected because they have not been backed up.

Partition Root Path: \\ourstoragedevice\nas_sata_evdata1\EVServer01\MailBoxVaultStores\MBXVS02PTN9

Archived items: 73
Files added to collections: 1122
Collections: 28 "


Here is my theory -

The collection process "breaks down" and  "puts together" collections - according to the archive retention policy and dealing with sparse files ( ) - I believe this might leave some files out of a collection at that particular point in time.  - hence when the Collection run finishes - it is true to say some files have not been backed up.

We then later place partitions into Backup mode, backup using trigger files and then bring out of Backup mode.

As the Collection always does something ( does not run in a type of informational mode way) - it always generates the Event ID 7133 messages.

Are the words above an accurate reflection of what is happening ?
This informational event log message is just that ( so not problems) though does inform you to do backups.

  • it's kind of a chicken/egg type situation the way i see it and i agree that the event message is more FYI.


    are you running collections before you backup? might make sense to schedule them to begin after backups complete. 

    does your archiving schedule overlap with your collections schedule? you want to avoid any overlap. 

    are users allowed to manually archive? could be related if you're running collections during business hours when users are archiving.

    there are a few things like these that you can check to reduce the likelihood of some files not being collected. but all in all it's nothing to be alarmed about

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