Forum Discussion

Dave_Shaffer's avatar
16 years ago

Enterprise Vault 8 w/EMC Centera

Our environment is currently running EV 8 with an EMC Centera storage device.

Ideally I would like it to perform in the following manor.

-Email messages that are older than 90 days get archived off and replaced with a shortcut
-Archived messages never expire
-Archived messages are deleted when the user deletes the shortcut
-After the user deletes the shortcut a message can still be retrieved for up to 6 months

I have the following configuration
-Mailbox policy archives messages older than 90 days, creates a shortcut, and deletes original message
-Desktop policy set to "Both Deleted" for shortcut deletion
-Site properties set so users can delete items from their archives
-Site properties set so items are not permanently deleted for 180 days
-Retention category set to retain items forever
-Retention category is NOT set to prevent deletion of archived items
-Vault store partition retention period set to never

The problem that I have is that my Centera is currently configured for "Governance" mode and my users are not able to delete from their archives.  My understanding is that in order to fix this there are two potential options.  1) I can set the retention category to retain items for 0 days or 2) I can have the Centera reconfigured for "Basic" mode.  My fear is that if I go with option 1 that if expiry was ever accidentally run that it would delete all of the data. 

Does anyone have a similar environment and requirements that can share their experiences with me?

Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions on how I should proceed?

Can anyone verify with certainty that if I have the Centera reconfigured that it will allow deletion without altering the retention period?

  • Have you seen this one?

15 Replies

  • Dave

    This is only true for compliant storage.
    If you do not have compliant storage, you are able to do what you said.

    Would be pretty much pointless to have compliant storage and let users delete things..... !

  • I understand your point but itsn't the purpose of setting the Vault store partition retention period to "never" so that there is no retention period set on the compliant storage device?

    Doe this mean that if the Centera was in "basic" mode that it would function as I would like?

  • I really appreciate all of the help I have received here.  It appears that "basic" mode may be better suited for me.

    It seems to me that there is a flaw in the E-Vault software when integrating with a Centera that is in "Governance" mode, not "Compliance Plus" mode.

    In a scenario where you wanted to retain all messages for 1 year, allow messages to be deleted older than three years, and to expire (automatically delete) all messages older than 3 years, it would never be possible even though the Centera in "Governance" mode would support it.



  • Dave

    Could you click a solution for the post which best suits your requirement?