Forum Discussion

jfarber-123's avatar
15 years ago

Error on enabling mailbox

When I enable a mailbox I get this error:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Agent Client Broker
Event ID: 2776
Date:  10/8/2009
Time:  8:36:19 AM
User:  N/A
An exception occurred in routine CAgentExchSynch::EnableMailboxCommon

Actually I get 2 errors in the Enterprise Vault event log,the other error is this one:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Agent Client Broker
Event ID: 3139
Date:  10/8/2009
Time:  8:36:19 AM
User:  N/A
An non-specific error has occurred whilst enabling archiving for the mailbox /o=xxxxx xxxxxxxou=xxxxx cn=Recipients/cn=xxxxxx xxxxx

Error: An exception occurred in routine    [0xc0040ad8]

Looking in the knowledgebase it appeared that this error was related to the store being in use or not completely released from a backup script. As a test I created a new store without error and then tried to enable a new mailbox to the new store. Same problem. What's odd is that this it  worked with the first mailbox I tried and that mailbox works fine. No changes except that I did do a  backup on the original stores, but as I stated I created a new store that had not be backed up and got the exact same error. Any help would be appreciated. 

As a followup I checked the backup status of the stores and the backup check boxes were clear. I then tried to enable a new mailbox and again got the 2 errors in the event log.

  • this is a SQL query to be ran either from SQL Query Analyzer for SQL 2000  or SQL management Studio for SQL 2005

10 Replies

  • Cause:
    This can be due to several scenarios, ie: moving users between Exchange Servers, OU's, AD name changes, etc.

    If the user has been moved from one Exchange Server to another, the SynchInMigrationMode key should be in place before making changes to users in Active Directory. See Technote 284956 under Related Documents below. When not used, the information is not updated properly in SQL, thus causing the errors. The key can be added after the move but it is recommended to add the key prior to the move.
    A Dtrace of AgentClientBroker process will show the following line:
    "CFilterHelper::StampVaultIDEx - error 0x8004010F"

    1. Run the following Query to gather the EV information regarding the user:
    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    SELECT * FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry WHERE MbxAlias = 'alias name of user'

    2. Examine the columns labeled LegacyMbxDn and ADMbxDN in the Query results. In most situations, the information in either or both of these columns is incorrect. Compare this to the user’s Active Directory Properties. Please follow the next steps if the information does not match.

    3. Run the following Query to remove the user’s information from EV (the user will be re-added to EV in the next step):
    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    DELETE FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry WHERE MbxAlias = 'alias name of user'

    4. From the EV Administration Console, run the Provisioning Task. When it has completed, run the same query from Step 1 above and compare the columns again. They should now match up. At this point, the user can now be Enabled and Synchronized.

  • I'm sorry to be stupid, but is the query "USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory" a powershell cmdlet ? I tried the line as typed on the EV server using powershell and it complained that USE was not a valid cmdlet.   

    As for the user moving, I've made no change to the exchange server recently. We did, in fact, split the mail store and move some users to the new 2nd store, but that was before we started using EV.        Jacob
  • this is a SQL query to be ran either from SQL Query Analyzer for SQL 2000  or SQL management Studio for SQL 2005
  • Ok, thanks.

    I listed the user and it looked ok, but to be safe I deleted the user on the assumption that I'd recreate him when I ran the provsioning task. I ran the provisioning task in report mode and it added the new mailbox. I then went to enable the mailbox and the mailboxes section was empty. I've reran the provisioning task and it again added a new mailbox, rather then saying updated mailbox. I've seen this before, where the EV system account is not using the correct rights to talk to exchange. I checked the group that the EV account is a member and it' was a member of the exchange view-only admin account. I rebooted the server to give it some time to replicate on the DCs and then tried again. Still no mailbox listed to enable and when I ran the provsioning task it again added the mailbox, rather then updating it. I removed the group and recreated it, again giving it exchange view-only admin memberhip, but no luck. I' used ADSIEdit to give the VSA full control to the mailserver and send / receive rights to the system mailbox but I still don't see mailboxes to enable. I was able to enable a single test mailbox and I didn't change anything, but I'm not sure what else to check or try. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,     Jacob
  • Could you run the deployment scanner and see if there is everything in order?

  • I ran the deployment scanner and it grumbled about the version of SQL ( it's SQLexpress 2008 ) but other than that all the lights were green. In the meantime I created another VSA account and gave it the rights to Exchange and SQL that it needed, then reran the deployment scanner again with no problems. I ran the provisioning task and when I attempt to activate a mailbox the message "no mailboxes found" with a red X at the start of the message is what I get. I can run Outlook to the system mailbox and login without a problem, I checked the mailbox object and the system mailbox with ADSIedit and the VSA account is on both security lists, with full control. I still have the old VSA account  to go back to if I need it. I also deleted and remade the mailbox server object and I was able as part of that to search the mailbox list and pick out the system mailbox without error. In the end though I'm stuck and will have to think of what to do next. I'm confused as to why I could have this working and then have it fall apart, it is very frustrating. Thanks for all of the help though
  • For what it's worth:

    The exchange server is exchange 2007, the server OS that EV is on is Windows server 2003. I've created a VSA with exchange view only rights, is a local group admin on the exchange server and EV server and is not a member of the domain admin group. As I've changed group membership I've logged out and login in to get the new rights assigments. I've tried it with the VSA as a member of the exchange view only admin and as a member of a global security group with the same member ship. When I had it running the VSA was a member of a global security group that had exchange read-only admin membership. That stopped working for some reason and I can't seem to get it working again.   Jacob
  • I again assigned the VSA membership to the to a global security group  and then assigned the group exchange admin view only membership and it worked ! Thanks to all for the help you've given me and hopefully it will stay working this time.   Jacob