Forum Discussion

Bootch's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

EV 9.0.2 Unable To Retrieve Attachments From Archived Emails


I'm hoping that someone may be able to help us, we're running EV 9 and have recently upgraded our clients to

We're currently experiencing issues since post upgraded to v9 with some users where they are unable to retrieve attachments from archived emails. The errors they receive when opening the emails are

"There was an error loading this item - some functionality may not be available" clicking on the grey bar reveals

"The item could not be downloaded [OIOM] 80070005"

The PSTDisableGrow and PSTDisableGrowAllowAuthenticodeOverrides reg setting are both set to 1 and stored within HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST. These were already set when we used the previous version prior to upgrading to version 9. We're running Outlook 2007 with SP2 installed. If I set these reg keys back to 0 then EV retrieves all attachments without any problems however this is not an acceptable workaround. All the symantec articles I've founf indicate that providing these keys are set and in the right location then there shouldn't be a problem

I've attached a client log from one of the machines. Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Hmmm this may be difficult So first of all, where does their temp directory point to? Is it a shared drive or do they point to the local drive? The difficult thing here is technically ms does not support pst files on shared drives :/

20 Replies

  • On the the problematic machines Office SP2 is definitely installed. Like I said If I can log on as myself to the same machine and use EV perfectly fine then surely this rules out an Office SP2 issue?

  • Hang on, I thought you said that fresh install the issue occurs, install sp2 via WSUS, the error goes away?
  • No, all the machines that experience this problem definitely have SP2 installed.

    Like I said previously,  I don't think it's an SP2 issue because I can log onto the same machine as a myself and EV works fine. I also don't think it's local permissions on the client as I've granted the user local admin rights on the workstation.

    I presume it would make little difference if the user was setup with a local or roaming profile?

  • I hate to hammer on this point, but what exactly did this mean? "I'm unable to open attachments from archived emails at this point. Once SP2 is installed via WSUS then attachments can be opened fine" Anywho, the difference between the established users and your new user profile is they have vault cache installed and you don't, and remember that pstdisablegrow is a HKCU and not an HKLM key so the key may not be set in your user profile because it's brand new etc
  • Which reg keys can I clear out of the users profile so that EV will treat them as a new user next time they log in. I've tried deleting HKCU\Software\KVS hive but this doesn't make any difference the next time the user logs in and tries to access attachments from EV. Does Enterprise Vault store any other keys within HKCU?

  • That's the only location the Outlook Addin stores data.

    Installation information etc is stored elsewhere, by the MSI installation.


    I think we need to refer to JW2's comments..  you said that after installing, via WSUS, Office 2007 SP 2, all was okay ?

  • Really sorry for the confusion on this guys, I'll endeavour to explain more clearly. I built a test machine and logged in as a brand new user with clean profile prior to SP2 being installed and received the above error. As per the Microsoft article once SP2 installed EV worked fine on this test machine for this user. Then I got one of the users who is having problems opening attachments to log into the same machine (they have a roaming profile) and they were unable to retrieve attachments from archived emails.

    Everything seems to point to something within the user profile. Like I said previously the client has recently been upgraded to 9.0.2 so the same profile would have been used with the previous version of the EV client. I've tried deleting the HKCU\Software\KVS but this doesn't make any difference.

  • Hmmm this may be difficult So first of all, where does their temp directory point to? Is it a shared drive or do they point to the local drive? The difficult thing here is technically ms does not support pst files on shared drives :/
  • The users temp directory points locally to

    C:\Documents and Settings\[Profile Name]\Local Settings\Temp