Forum Discussion

Anders_B1's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

EV client - problems opening archived items

EV Client 10.0.1, EV server version 9.0.0.

Some users have problems when opening same archived e-mail more than one time.

First time they open the archived e-mail in outlook (dobbel-click), it is opening as usual.
Next time, only the shortcut is opened.

If the user try another archived e-mail, this is opening fine the first time, then this is failing as well.

The same problem occurs from Archive Explorer and Archive Search,

I did set the tracing to max on the client, and in this log I can see the URL to the archived item. If I copy this URL to IE, I can open the archived item several times without problems.

Any tips on this problem?


  • It appears that the download the second time around works, but the error is when trying to write that file to disk:


    06/06/2013 10:01:15.518[6344][L]: DesktopCommon::WriteAndOpenFile: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.519[6344][L]: DesktopCommon::GetEVTempPath: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.519[6344][L]: ~DesktopCommon::GetEVTempPath: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.520[6344][L]: ~DesktopCommon::WriteAndOpenFile: 0x80070020


    If that error code is a windows error code then it means 'sharing violation'.

    What's happening with regards to antivirus on this workstation?  Any chance that you can exclude the TEMP path from the scanning, or completely uninstall A/V, and see if fixes it....

  • What logs are saying in the EV Client log file?

    try to do it for an email opening it for the first time (take logs) and reopening it.

    There is no error message in the log?

    It opens correctly only for the first time, and then give you only the shortcut content?

    When you reopen the shortcut, what message it tells you?


  • I tried to attach a log file in the initial post, a file I called everror.txt. This is from the client when the tracing is set to max.

    I set tracing to max, I did open the archived mail the first time OK, then second time and it failed, so this should be logged in this logfile.
    Can't you see the log file?

    The error in the logfile may be:

    Return Last Failed error: 0x80070020

    On the client side (outlook), the user gets this banner saying that it is unable to open the archived item, just as it is if the EV client is not installed.


  • It appears that the download the second time around works, but the error is when trying to write that file to disk:


    06/06/2013 10:01:15.518[6344][L]: DesktopCommon::WriteAndOpenFile: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.519[6344][L]: DesktopCommon::GetEVTempPath: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.519[6344][L]: ~DesktopCommon::GetEVTempPath: 0x0
    06/06/2013 10:01:15.520[6344][L]: ~DesktopCommon::WriteAndOpenFile: 0x80070020


    If that error code is a windows error code then it means 'sharing violation'.

    What's happening with regards to antivirus on this workstation?  Any chance that you can exclude the TEMP path from the scanning, or completely uninstall A/V, and see if fixes it....

  • Yes i can see the log file attached; there are some errors regarding some point.

    I have some questions (you can copy and paste to answer near to the question ;):

    Outlook cache is enabled?

    Outlook conenction status is set to TCP IP?

    Which message errors are you receving from archive explorer and search browser?

    Outlook versione installed is? on which computer OS?

    When have you noticed this issue?


  • Hi.

    Sorry for the delayed answer.

    Here are my findings:

    Cache mode: Yes
    Connection Status: TCP/IP
    In Archive Explorer the user get this message: Could not show this item. Try again. If it still fails, contact your helpdesk. The item could not be downloaded.
    In Search Vault; Same message as in Archive Explorer.
    Outlook 2010
    Win 7


  • Hi, sorry for the late answer.

    I'm working with disabling AV. It is Symantec Endpoint Protection installed on the PC.

    Will get back with an update later on.