Forum Discussion

thomas_lauster's avatar
11 years ago

EV11 SCOM "Index location connectivity state" 0 error

A few weeks ago we upgraded from EV 9.0.2 to EV 11 an installed the new SCOM 2007 R2 mangement pack.

After a few days, we got errors in SCOM "Indexing" / "Index Location State" / "Connectivity".
First it was only one index location with connectivity state = "0"; after some service restarts, another 2 index locations came up with this error.
Question: what exactly is this perfomance counter mesuring? How can we fix this?

I did not found any malfunctions in EV Archives; all index locations on the drives are accessible, and there are no events in eventviewer.



  • If you believe this is a bug in EV you need to open a case with Symantec Support

  • i wonder if it's a communication issue between scom and ev. are there any ports blocked maybe?

  • Sorry, this can not be a communication issue, because the index locations are all on the same Drive and under the same root folder. SCOM rsp. the perfmon counter is randomly on some locations "0".
    For example: E:\evIndex\index2 and E:\evIndex\index7 are bad ("0") and the other six locations are ok ("1").



  • We Still have this issue on our 4 EV11 Servers! The SCOM MgtPack reports randomly "Connectivity" Errors; I have seen this mostly after server reboots or EV services restarts; often one or more "Index Location State" are in "critical" state. Once i have seen this as well in "Vault Store Partition State" connectivity.

    As a workaround I found, a Index Service- or Vault Storage Service restart can correct this, without a complete server restart.

    This is not a solution! So we still need a fix for that.
    Btw. EV 11.0.1 does not fix this.

    To clarify: The SCOM Mgt Pack is ok; the EV Services are the cause of this Issue; it seems to me the EV Services are controlling and configuring these bugy perfmon counters.

  • If you believe this is a bug in EV you need to open a case with Symantec Support