Forum Discussion

GertjanA's avatar
13 years ago

EV90SP2 - provisioning issue event 41110

Hello all,

Following an upgrade from 80SP5 to 90SP2, I get an error when provisioning is being run. The error is 41110. The event is:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Exchange Provisioning Task
Event ID: 41110
Date:  10/10/2011
Time:  9:10:39 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: SPFRMAS10010
The Exchange mailbox provisioning task failed during provisioning group processing. The task has stopped.

Task: Exchange Provisioning Task for europe.intranet Domain: europe.intranet Provisioning group: <none> Group member: <none>

Error: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.

Trace:    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBuffer.get_String()
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetString(Int32 i)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.CheckEnabledMbxs()
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.RunSynchronization(ExchangePolicySyncTaskEntry taskEntry, CheckControlEventsDelegate checkControlEvents, Boolean reportMode)

The dtrace of the provisioning shows:

13202 09:15:33.816  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-M {DirectoryDBAccess.MapDNSAliasToSQLServer} DNS Alias: EVIDFR.EUROPE.INTRANET ==> SQL server: spfrmas10010,65001 Cached? True
13203 09:15:33.832  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-H {ExchangePolicySynchronization.HandleFatalException} Fatal exception raised while processing provisioning group [<none>] / [<none>] - Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.. Stack trace:    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBuffer.get_String()|   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetString(Int32 i)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.CheckEnabledMbxs()|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.RunSynchronization(ExchangePolicySyncTaskEntry taskEntry, CheckControlEventsDelegate checkControlEvents, Boolean reportMode)
13204 09:15:33.832  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV~E |Event ID: 41110 The Exchange mailbox provisioning task failed during provisioning group processing. The task has stopped.|Task: Exchange Provisioning Task for europe.intranet|Domain: europe.intranet|Provisioning group: <none>|Group member: <none>|Error: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.|Trace:    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBuffer.get_String()|   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetString(Int32 i)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.CheckEnabledMbxs()|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.RunSynchronization(ExchangePolicySyncTaskEntry taskEntry, CheckControlEventsDelegate checkControlEvents, Boolean reportMode)
13205 09:15:33.847  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-M {ExchangePolicySynchronization.WaitForWorkerThreads} Waiting for worker threads to finish processing
13206 09:15:33.847  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-M {ExchangePolicySynchronization.WaitForWorkerThreads} Queue is empty, setting WorkerStopEvent
13207 09:15:33.847  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-M {ExchangePolicySynchronization.WaitForWorkerThreads} All worker threads finished processing
13208 09:15:33.847  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV~I |Event ID: 41104 The Exchange mailbox provisioning task has completed.|Task: Exchange Provisioning Task for europe.intranet|Domain: europe.intranet
13209 09:15:33.847  [7780] (EvExchangePolicySyncTask) <7288> EV-H {ExchangePolicySynchronization.RunSynchronization} Leaving


There are 2 provisioning groups, targeting 1 OU each. There are users in the OU's. As far as I see in the event and the trace, it looks like there is a leftover provisioning group in the database? |Provisioning group: <none>|Group member: <none>|Error: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.

Where are the provisioning groups stored in the databases? Can I check that, and remove erroneous errors? Or should I recreate (delete/create) the provisioning groups/provisioning task?

any help/advice appreciated.



  • Hi Gertjan,

    I've taken a look at the issue and have hopefully figured out the issue.

    The provisioning task is trying to report on mailboxes that appear enabled (MbxArchivingState=1) but are not connected to an archiving task.

    A new column was added in EV9.0 to the ExchangeMailboxStore table - normally this would get populated by the provisioning task after upgrade.  However mailbox stores that no longer have any active (existing) or targeted mailboxes will not get updated.  When provisioning runs it will generate this error.

    Do you have access to the SQL Server and Directory DB?  If so run the following:

     select * from ExchangeMailboxStore 

    If any rows come back with a NULL ServerName column then this could be the issue.  It will depend if any mailboxes are connected to this mailbox store.  Run the following query:

    select EME.LegacyMbxDN, EMS.Name, EMS.ServerName from ExchangeMailboxEntry EME
     inner join ExchangeMailboxStore EMS
     on EME.MbxStoreIdentity = EMS.MbxStoreIdentity
     inner join ExchangeServerEntry ESE 
     on EMS.ExchangeServerIdentity = ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity
     left join ArchivingRetrievalTask ART 
     on ESE.ExchangeServerEntryId = ART.ExchangeServerEntryId 
     MbxArchivingState = 1 AND 
     ExchangeMbxType = 1 AND 
     ART.ExchangeServerEntryId IS NULL
    If any rows come back with a NULL value for any column this will generate the provisioning task error.  To resolve the issue run the following on the affected mailbox stores:
     update ExchangeMailboxStore Set ServerName = '<blank>' where ServerName is NULL

    This will resolve the exception and the provisioning report will record the server name as <blank>.  This shouldn't impact any other behaviour.  

    If the mailbox store becomes active again (for instance a mailbox against it is provisioned) the provisioning task will re-synchronize the correct ServerName value.  If this is for a mailbox store that no longer exists then leaving the ServerName as 'blank' should be OK.

    Let me know if this resolves the issue - if so I'll get it written up into a TechNote (I assume you couldn't find an existing one).



13 Replies