Forum Discussion

Zenworks2001's avatar
14 years ago

Event 6796 and 13360

Hi all, One of our Vault site presents events 6796 and 13360 during (scheduled) archiving process. I've collected these events on attachment. I've tried to find some informations concerning these e...
  • JesusWept3's avatar
    14 years ago

    OK so what it sounds like is that its an issue when trying to do Moved Items (update shortcut locations), it is most likely coming across shortcuts that are orphaned or don't belong to the site

    Do you have the following event per chance?

    Type: Warning
    Date: 05/26/2011
    Time: 04:00:00 AM
    Event: 2270
    Source: Enterprise Vault
    Category: Archive Task
    User: N/A
    Computer: yourEVServer
    A queued operation exceeded the retry count and has been discarded

    m_pIBackgroundArchivingAgent->ProcessMovedItemsInFolder(ExchangeMailboxDn = "/o=myOrg/ou=myOU/cn=Recipients/cn=myUser",
    ArchiveID = "1643E729FF25CFB4C81F9558F55B2248D1110000myEVSite",
    ArchiveFolderId = "1C505EEF2EFCF7C4A9B375B4F822473511110000myEVSite",
    FolderRetCat = "1877FE4D91B08D3458FDF2AF1643886231110000myEVSite",
    SourceFolderID = "102B9647D83955741BC60261FEC29A8331110000myEVSite",
    FolderPathName = "?Inbox"
    ItemRequestXML = "some XML")
    HRESULT: 0x80040E2F

    If you do, would it be possible for you to do the following

    1. RDP to your EV Server as the EVAdmin
    2. Open the Vault Admin Console
    3. hold CTRL-SHIFT and right click "Archives" and select "Find Archive or Folder"
    4. In the dialog that pops up , paste the Archive ID that was posted in the 2270 event
    5. When you hit Find, you will then see the user it is complaining about, make a note of the user
    6. Open a Command Prompt and CD to your \Program Files\Enterprise Vault\ directory
    7. Type "Dtrace" and press Enter
    8. Type "Set ArchiveTask v" and press Enter
    9. Type "Set StorageOnlienOpns v" and press Enter
    10. Type "log C:\13360Errors.txt" and press Enter
    11. Minimize the command prompt
    12. Go to your Vault Admin Console
    13. Browse to your Exchange Archiving tasks on this EV Server
    14. Right click your Exchange Archiving Task
    15. Select "Run Now" and choose Shortcut Processing only
    16. Select the user to run against as the user we found from step #5
    17. Let the Processing run and await for it to post errors
    18. After its finished, go back to the Command prompt and type "Exit" to exit the dtrace
    19. Zip up the DTrace and post here if you can

    Otherwise you may wish to open a case with symantec to determine where this is coming from
    Again i've seen it come from orphaned shortcuts or shortcuts which don't belong to the site (i.e. someone used to work at another company that had EV and copied their old PST in to their mailbox, or they were part of the EV Trial and had shortcuts left over and then when you rolled out fully you had different sites etc)

    I know it sounds outlandish but i've seen it happen quite a number of times now