Forum Discussion

dgoodyear's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Exchange 2010 OWA Search Archives displays string of characters instead of page

We are currently running EV 9.02 on the server and have Exchange 2007.  We have our separate Exchange 2007 CAS servers that have the OWA extensions for EV installed and everything works well through outlook webmail internally and externally.  Regardless of internal or external location, users are sent directly to the EV server through the same url: 

We introduced Exchange 2010 in our environment including Exchange 2010 CAS servers with a CAS array configuration.  The environment while we migrate currently is webmail users hit the Exchange 2010 CAS servers first.  If they are a 2007 user, they are sent automatically over to the 2007 CAS servers as expected by Exchange and all is well.

I've gone through the setup for EV and OWA for 2010.  The extensions are installed on the 2010 CAS servers.  The ip addresses were updated in the Exchangeservers.txt file and the owauser.wsf script run.  I verified the registry to see the correct names and ports and addresses in place. If I log into outlook webmail with an exchange 2010 account, owa opens on the 2010 CAS servers as normal.  I see the see the Archive Explorer link and the Search Archives link.  When I click the Archive Explorer link, I receive a popup that lets me browse my archives.  If I click the Search Archives link, nothing happens the first time.  If I log out of webmail and log back in, then try clicking Search Archives, it opens in the right window pane with a long string of characters and numbers that looks formatted like:

1 EXMBX01 EXMBX01    V9.0.2.1061 65 0    0 1 1 0 1  14244616FEBED12468E170580BD3B3E191110000archive "archivename that i have access to" 9  1FF8B8091D97C19489DE0FF7894AAF6981110000archive "archive name I have access to" 9  

If I clear my browser cache and try again, the first time the search archives link does nothing.  Once i log out and log back into webmail, i receive the same string of information above.  If I right click on the page with the string above and select properties, it gives me a url that points to our ev server and my archive.  If I copy that url and paste it into a new browser tab, the search vaults page opens up without an issue.

The url is something like:


I verified all of the pre-reqs are configured on the Exchange 2010 cas servers.  I tried repairing the EV owa extensions, resetting IIS, and rebooting the servers.  I tried turning on logging in web.config for OWA but nothing stands out in the logs as a problem.  Any thoughts or things to check that I've missed perhaps?  It almost seems like it just can't display the remote url page correctly in the owa 2010 pane.

15 Replies

  • This definitely seems to be a browser compatibility problem with the owa extensions.  Playing around with IE settings and leaving browser mode on IE 10 but dropping the standards back to IE 8 the page seems to display correctly.  Starting at standards mode IE9 and up, it stops functioning correctly. 

    The OWA extensions that are installed on 2010 are showing at v9.0.2.1061.  Maybe a newer version would help?  We'll be upgrading our EV environment before the end of the year but I will need to get this working in the meantime.

  • I tried upgrading the owa extensions on our Exchange 2010 CAS servers to 10.0.4 but that did not seem to make any difference.

  • So its workaound now to use IE8 and that is the officially how it works IE only works in compatibility mode for IE 9 or 10 and that is why there is no issue on the EV server which is running IE8. I faced exactly the same issue, so the question is why isnt putting the URLs in there forcing it down to IE 8 compatibility? Probably something we are missing https/http...did you put in your OWA mail url too? I.e
  • The OWA url seems to work fine.  Even if I run under compatibility mode it still has no effect.  We were looking at an EV 10 upgrade soon, but I wasn't quite ready to expedite it.  

  • A follow up to this, our issue was resolved when we finally upgraded to EV 10.0.4.