Forum Discussion

colmtourque's avatar
17 years ago

FileCollector Service and BypassRecallLimitforAdmins

Running EV 7.5 on a 2003 file server. Just curious is it SOP to turn off the recall limit for admins so that the file collector service does not crash?
Our Service was crashing, giving me fits and finally I performed the reg hack (HKLM\Software\KVS\PlaceholderService\ByPassRecalLimitsForAdmins) and the PlaceHolderService has stopped crashing. 
As a note our FileServer is also a DC (small shop).
Also is there any reason that this reg hack should not just be turned on in general for admins?

9 Replies

  • Hi

    The Placeholder Service should definitely not crash.
    I'd suggest to open a case at Symantec for this issue, or that you collect some crash info (Eventlog) and post it here....

  • Agreed
    May want to:
    DTrace the task before, during, and after the crash. Post the info.
    Jim S.
  • It has stopped crashing after editing the registry entry but I'd be interested to hear what people have to say about it. So in the interest of continued learning:  And this is long folks but since you asked.
    Event Logs:


    From the Enterprise Vault Log:

    Event Type: Information

    Event Source:     Enterprise Vault

    Event Category:   None

    Event ID:   24624

    Date:       11/19/2007

    Time:       3:30:08 PM

    User:       N/A

    Computer:   NTSERVER


    Scan of \\\d$\shared\IT Dept started.


    Again From Enterprise Vault log:

    Event Type: Information

    Event Source:     Enterprise Vault

    Event Category:   None

    Event ID:   24624

    Date:       11/19/2007

    Time:       3:47:19 PM

    User:       N/A

    Computer:   NTSERVER


    Scan of \\\d$\shared started.


    From the Application Log:

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source:     Application Error

    Event Category:   (100)

    Event ID:   1000

    Date:       11/19/2007

    Time:       3:49:14 PM

    User:       N/A

    Computer:   NTSERVER


    Faulting application FSAReportingService.exe, version, faulting module RDScan.dll, version, fault address 0x000057aa.


    Relevant DTRace Info:
    148519 16:27:58.691  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:M CFSAReporting::GetVolumeLocalPath Server name: ntserver; Share name: d$
    148520 16:27:58.691  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:M CFSAReporting::GetVolumeLocalPath The object path is D:\
    148521 16:27:58.707  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetSchedules  adding reporting objects: 1 |
    148522 16:27:58.707  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetSchedules size of Server Info vector 1
    148523 16:27:58.707  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::StartSchdeuled method called  |
    148524 16:27:58.707  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:M CFSAReporting::StartSchdeuled  schedules started  |
    148525 16:27:58.722  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <896> EV:L Shedulethread  method called  |
    148526 16:27:58.722  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <896> EV:M  Timer is set for waiting   |
    148682 16:43:29.976  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::get_Servers method called  |
    148683 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L  CServers::get__NewEnum method called
    148684 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CServer::get_Name method called
    148685 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CServer::GetScanStatus method called
    148686 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetServerInfoIndex method called ntserver |
    148687 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetServerInfoIndex returning index 0
    148688 16:43:29.991  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:H CServer::GetScanStatus scanstatus is 0
    148689 16:43:30.069  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::get_Servers method called  |
    148690 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L  CServers::get__NewEnum method called
    148691 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CServer::get_Name method called
    148692 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CServer::GetScanStatus method called
    148693 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetServerInfoIndex method called ntserver |
    148694 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:L CFSAReporting::GetServerInfoIndex returning index 0
    148695 16:43:30.085  [2176] (FSAReportingService) <576> EV:H CServer::GetScanStatus scanstatus is 0
    **** DTrace exit - log terminated

    Registry info
       LogDatabaseInformation   (DWORD) 0  [0x0]
        OnOrOff   (DWORD) 1  [0x1]
      LogLevel   (DWORD) 0  [0x0]
      SiteID   (SZ)
      FileServerID   (SZ)
       CentralizeQuarantineLocation   (SZ)
       CentralizedQuarantineEnabledFlag   (SZ) 0
       SMTP Server   (SZ)
       Sender   (SZ)
       ExchangeServer   (SZ)
       ExchangeUser   (SZ)
       MailType   (SZ) 0
       QuarantineDir   (SZ)
        0   (BINARY)01 05 00 00 00 00 00 05 15 00 00 00 8e 5f 41 53 79 39 8d 2f d2 6d ff 36 9b 0b 00 00
        (Default)   (SZ)
        Flags   (DWORD) 1  [0x1]
        *.aif   (SZ) ##################################0000##############00##40########00##000000####################0000############00
        Incomplete (error=More data is available.  [0x800700ea])
        PathName   (SZ) C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\FSA_SNMP_Agent.dll
       FileSizeEmulation   (DWORD) 0  [0x0]
       OpenFileTimeout   (DWORD) 30  [0x1e]
       ReleasedItemExpiryInterval   (DWORD) 5  [0x5]
       ReleasedItemProcessingInterval   (DWORD) 5  [0x5]
       ReleasedItemRetries   (DWORD) 2  [0x2]
       ExcludedExes   (SZ) ntrtscan.exe;PccNTMon.exe;PccNT.exe;TmListen.exe;tsc.exe;vxmon.exe;beremote.exe,ofcdog.exe;tmpfw.exe;tsc.exe;vscanwin32.exe
       RecallLimitMaxRecalls   (DWORD) 20  [0x14]
       RecallLimitTimeInterval   (DWORD) 10  [0xa]
       BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins   (DWORD) 0  [0x0]
       NoOfItemProcessorThreads   (DWORD) 20  [0x14]
       RevertItemsToPlaceholders   (DWORD) 1  [0x1]
       FilePartSize   (DWORD) 500  [0x1f4]
       WebServiceTimeout   (DWORD) 20  [0x14]
       ReportingServer   (SZ) http://SHIVA
       ScanThreads   (DWORD) 5  [0x5]
       RDBufferSize   (DWORD) 48  [0x30]
       SiteID   (SZ)
       RDThreads   (DWORD) 8  [0x8]
       TempFilePath   (SZ) C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\
      PlaceHolder   (SZ) Installed
      (Default)   (SZ)
      InstallPath   (SZ) C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\
      Version   (SZ)
      MSIVersion   (SZ) 7.5.5493
    [Closed: 2007/11/20 16:44:02]
    Sorry to dump so much out there but I've always appreciated as full descriptions of issues as possible.  Again my fix appears to be working but I would appreciate if someone were able to tell me a little more if there is another possible cause.
  • It appears the reporting service is crashing. Do you have FSA reporting enabled?
    "Faulting application FSAReportingService.exe"
    Jim S.
  • The 1000 error is generic.
    Not mention of the reporting service failing on Symantec public KB.
    The Dtrace looks good to me or at least it is not displaying and problems at the moment.
    compatibility chart for FSA does not have any real gotchas.
    Are you connecting to the File server's host/computer name or are you using a alias? Is this a cluster?
    If the answer is just host name then I would open a case with support and report the event ID's and behavior.
    Jim S.
  • There already a ticket opened and probably now closed with Sym.
    It's a single server reporting to the host name no alias no cluster.
  • It was a mix bag, there was the bypassrecalllimitforadmins setting and a serious issue with a folder structure being corrupted.  Either way its working now. Sorry I have a head cold and I'm quite frankly in a fog about the fix, but the reg change mentioned above removing the troubled folder tree (in our case no problem because it was a repeat of another tree anyway) and a defrag on the HD fixed it.
    Hopefully the above makes enough since to someone in the future whose having a similar issue.