Forum Discussion

Sarah_Seftel1's avatar
11 years ago

FSASummaryDataMigrator error after DR of server from 32Bit to 64Bit


I have a situation where i'm doing the following:

1. upgrade version 8 to 9.0.5

2. seperate SQL from EV server

3. DR dor EV server to a new machine of 2008 server & 64Bit so we can upgrade to version 10.

4. upgrade to version 10.0.4


After step 3, we are now on new EV server 64 bit, migration between servers wend smooth, all tasks are up, SQL updated correctly with new EV server name.

I have a critical warning in version 10 deployment scanner saying:

Enterprise Vault Deployment Scanner has detected one or more vault stores that contain FSA metadata which requires migration. You must not upgrade Enterprise Vault until you have migrated the FSA metadata. Use the FSA upgrade utility to upgrade the metadata. For information, see the Enterprise Vault 9.0 Utilities guide.

There is no FSA targets, these are leftovers from previous versions, however, when running the FSASummaryDataMigrator tool i get the following:


The following vault stores need to be upgraded:


      Vault Store (EV Server)                  Estimated duration (HH:MM:SS)


   1. Vault Store 1 (NEWEVSERVER.DOMAIN.COM)  Connection Failed


Use a comma to separate multiple vault stores. For example, 1,3,5.


Enter 'Exit' to close utility.



16:39:17 Processing vault store: Vault Store 1

16:39:46 Error: Not all selected vault stores were upgraded.


details: An error occured while attempting to connect to





the FSA see the EV server with the correct name, but trying to connect to the old SQL server... (the old SQL server was also the old EV server).

I'm trying to figure out where soed the utility takes the parameters from, so I can update them manually if needed - I cannot proceed with the upgrade because of that...


Any help will be highly appreciated.



  • Solved.


    Symantec, to move SQL I used the following TN.

    Please make sure to update the table dbo.UnMigratedVaultStores with new SQL value as well.




7 Replies

  • Still not working.

    The DB's are in SQL instance, if I ping the SQL name I get result, but when I add this IP to hosts file, it only reaches SQL but not trying to search for instance there.


    Same error I'maid...

  • I found a question I posted in the forum a year ago,

    For the test, I run the following:

    Use EnterpriseVaultDirectory

    Select * from UnMigratedVaultStores U Inner Join VaultstoreEntry V

    On U.VaultStoreEntryId = V.VaultStoreEntryId


    and I got result, and in the result the SQLServer that is returned is the old SQL name.


    Can anyone explain to me from this query in which table do I have this SQLServer listed? so I can manually change it?

  • OK

    I found a table called dbo.UnMigratedVaultStores, and the SQL value there still set to the old SQL server.

    since as I wrote - sql was seperated from EV in the second step, I run all the requsted steps from SYmantec, so I think this extra line should be added to the TN of changing SQL to take care of this table as well, as clearly it was left behind.


    I will backup the DB's and update once I manage to run this.



  • Solved.


    Symantec, to move SQL I used the following TN.

    Please make sure to update the table dbo.UnMigratedVaultStores with new SQL value as well.


