Forum Discussion

Will_Moulic's avatar
11 years ago

IIS deadlocks caused the EnterpriseVaultAppPool to shutdown. Need permanent fix.

Hi Experts,


A few weeks back my client had an issue with IIS deadlock causing EV to shutdown and users with outlook plugins cannot connect to retrieve archived emails. I restarted the admin service to resolve the issue right away but i'm trying to find out how to fix this IIS deadlock permanently. Below are the config details:


EV version is 9.0

OS version is Windows 2003 x86 R2 Standard SP2

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1


Here are the application event ids i saw during the issue.


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: W3SVC-WP
Event Category: None
Event ID: 2262
Date:  18/06/2014
Time:  7:49:54 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: XXXXXX
ISAPI 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll' reported itself as unhealthy for the following reason: 'Deadlock detected'


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: W3SVC
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1013
Date:  18/06/2014
Time:  8:35:57 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: XXXXXX
A process serving application pool 'EnterpriseVaultAppPool' exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id was '632'.


The below system event means users cannot connect to EV anymore.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10016
Date:  18/06/2014
Time:  9:25:45 AM
Computer: ADLEV01
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
{957FF4B4-162B-4708-843A-0134868699B4} to the user XXXXXXX SID (S-1-5-21-54283969-1262164758-1202159320-60899).  This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Hope for you response and advise on this. Many thanks.



  • I have filed a case with Symantec and enabled the backtrace. I will close this discussion and re-open if need be as it is hard to determine the cause of the issue without the necessary logs.

4 Replies

  • Seen this issue before and normally cpu and memory on the EV server is maxed out or close to being maxed out. Is there any performance issues? Was this happening during archiving run and if so how many task are running?
  • Hi Merv,


    Thanks for your response.


    I wasn't able to capture the server performance during the issue because I wasn't online during that time. I just asked my colleague to restart EV services when it was escalated to me. EV server has only two scheduled tasks everyday, 1 Journaling Task and 1 Mailbox Archiving task.


    I've seen this MS article but I am not sure if this will resolve the issue moving forward.

  • I have filed a case with Symantec and enabled the backtrace. I will close this discussion and re-open if need be as it is hard to determine the cause of the issue without the necessary logs.