Forum Discussion

susika's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Index Admin Service won't start: error 41312, 41335

hello, today the index service starts with error, dtrace and eventlog says:

An error occured while trying to start indexing engine.
Further error details include: '<exception name="service-command" stack-trace="//scope/set-var[@name='result']/scope///function[@name='Index Volume-broker-status']/scope/scope/function[@name='Index Volume-broker-command']/scope/scope///exception[@name='service-command']" xmlns="urn:/Index Engine/objects">invalid run node provided</exception>'.

what does it mean ?

It's EV V.10.02. on W2008 R2, single installation.


4 Replies

  • like this ?
  • That is one thing to try but I believe what JW3 was referring to was to rerun the Enterprise Vault setup.exe.

  • Reinstall the Index Admin Service did the trick. thanks to Symantec Support.