Forum Discussion

EVGarrison's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Index Location \ New Indexes

Hi all,

Not a major issue, a question really.

I'm aware of the Open\Closed state you can give an Index location. However is there a setting somewhere that defines where new indexes are placed? At the moment they are randomly spread across all of the locations.

The reason i ask is that i currently have 16 index locations spread across 2 drives 8 in each, I don't want to close drive 1 off but would like only new Indexes to be created on drive 2, leaving 1 and the 8 locations still open for current index data to be written too.

Hope that makes sense.

Just dont like the idea of indexes for archives being spread over 2 logical locations.


  • Just to add, with 64bit Indexes, if you close off any Index locations no more data is written to it full stop, even if you have existing index folders which arent full, if the index location is closed and EV needs to index new items for that Archive it will find a new Index location and create a new folder there.


    This was introduced due to sitiuations in EV9 and lower where customers would get close to the limit of the Index Volume they had setup, close the location and expect EV to stop Indexing to it, yet in that instance if there was an active Index Volume in that location it would still continue adding until the Index Volume (not drive space) reached its limit then it would create the new Index folder in any of the Open Index locations.

    As that was the case sometimes customers cut it a bit close and would find themselves running out of space on the drive, then needing to move Indexes to make space.


    So bottom line is, if you close a location in EV10 and upwards EV will immediately only index to the open locations and ONLY the open locations, the closed locations will be just that, closed (readonly).

4 Replies

  • i'm guessing you're at least on EV 10 since you're asking about open/closed indexes. the idea of having all these subfolders for indexing i think is a bit legacy and doesnt apply as much with the 64bit indexes and especially with virtualization these days. with the 32bit indexing in EV9 and older, existing indexes for archives still had data added to them even if they were closed. this was an issue because what if the drive was actually full? what would happen was that you added a new location but only new indexes were written to it (which is what you're asking to go back to) and the existing indexes would continue to grow until the drive filled up, EV would halt, and potentially corrupted your indexes.

    FWIW, by default, EV created 8 subfolders for each indexing service when you add a new one but you can set it however you want.

    this part i think you know but just in case: if you login to the EV server with your EV service account, run the EV admin console, expand your EV server, services, then right click on the indexing service, you'll see the "locations" aka folders listed. you can individually set each one to open/closed. 

  • If you have turned on Index Groups you have no control at all.  Indexes will be created on any open index location on any server in the group randomly.  If you don't have Index Groups turned on then indexes are created on any open index location managed by that Index service, randomly.  The only way to "manage" this process is to only have open the index locations you want new indexes created on. 

    I'm not sure what benefit you'd derive from this level of management, but it's possible. 

  • Just to add, with 64bit Indexes, if you close off any Index locations no more data is written to it full stop, even if you have existing index folders which arent full, if the index location is closed and EV needs to index new items for that Archive it will find a new Index location and create a new folder there.


    This was introduced due to sitiuations in EV9 and lower where customers would get close to the limit of the Index Volume they had setup, close the location and expect EV to stop Indexing to it, yet in that instance if there was an active Index Volume in that location it would still continue adding until the Index Volume (not drive space) reached its limit then it would create the new Index folder in any of the Open Index locations.

    As that was the case sometimes customers cut it a bit close and would find themselves running out of space on the drive, then needing to move Indexes to make space.


    So bottom line is, if you close a location in EV10 and upwards EV will immediately only index to the open locations and ONLY the open locations, the closed locations will be just that, closed (readonly).