Forum Discussion

sysadmin1985's avatar
10 years ago

Index Locations



We have Enterprise Vault 10.0.4 with HCP stoarge.Currently we are in middle of migration from legacy archving servers and around 1800 users have been migrated out of 14K users.At the time of instrallation of Enterprise Vault we configured only 2 Index location per Index Server which are on the single drive.


As of now we are not facing any permormance issue, I would like to know can we keep the same settings until we migrated all 14K users.I heard that if someone has single drive and and 2 Index location configured then can get better IOPS.


Need your suggestion on this.



  • As I said above: 

     You can keep it that way if you like but if you need to move one location to another due to space issues you will have to move a lot more indexes as you have fewer locations.

    Since everything will be on the same drives it really won't affect performance either way.  If it were me, I would be inclined to create more folder locations for "future proofing".  Just in case I needed to move index locations in the future.

4 Replies

  • I don't see how you are going to get better IOPS if everything is on the same disk.  You can keep it that way if you like but if you need to move one location to another due to space issues you will have to move a lot more indexes as you have fewer locations.

  • I just verified the settings,current setting is we have two Indexes per server which exist on single single drive respectively.Here my question is,  can we keep this settings or should we configure another six index locations per server to get better performance.From Storage we can not get more than 2 drive now as all sizing has been completed.


    What level of Impact we may face we continue with current settings ?

  • As I said above: 

     You can keep it that way if you like but if you need to move one location to another due to space issues you will have to move a lot more indexes as you have fewer locations.

    Since everything will be on the same drives it really won't affect performance either way.  If it were me, I would be inclined to create more folder locations for "future proofing".  Just in case I needed to move index locations in the future.