Forum Discussion

gibolin's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Index problem in EV 10


I've a new EV install on a Windows 2012 server.

I archived some mailboxes and everything seems ok, but I'm unable to search archived items: "Failed to perform the search request".

I'm able to successfully synchronize and rebuild indexes, but the verification fails : "The verify subtask has failed: Failed to search the index volume.Access is denied.  (0x80070005)"

A dtrace shows access denied errors:

166    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:L    WinHttpRequest::OnCallback. WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HEADERS_AVAILABLE.
167    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:L    WinHttpRequest::OnCallback. WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HEADERS_AVAILABLE. Status code=403
168    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:H    WinHttpRequest::OnCallback. HTTP request returned 'access denied' or 'forbidden'.  Is the service running?
169    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:H    WinHttpRequest::OnCallback exit. ERROR HR=0x80070005.
170    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:M    WinHttpRequest::Callback from WinHttp. pRequest->OnCallback failed with HR=0x80070005. Calling pRequest->OnResponseComplete.
171    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <5948>    EV:M    IndexQueryServerRequest: OnResponseComplete - HR=Access is denied.  (0x80070005)
172    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <7128>    EV:L    IndexQueryServerRequest: WaitForSingleObject returned 0.
173    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <7128>    EV:M    Response received. Result = Access is denied.  (0x80070005), Status = 403
174    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <7128>    EV:H    CIndexQueryServerSearch::Search2. Request FAILED HR=0x80070005.
175    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <7128>    EV:L    WinHttpRequest::Shutdown entry. Closing Winhttp handle
176    13:17:28.905     [160]    (EVIndexVerifyTask)    <7128>    EV:L    WinHttpHandle: Closing handle.

Event viewer shows the following error:

Event ID 7182

Index Search failed: Unspecified error  (0x80004005)  
Index: 100AE04DE619AE64E8CC252A24530ED081110000luenparchexc/VolumeSet:16 
Internal reference: SRCI 

It also seems tha the IIS log has unexpected entries.

I checked the IIS authentication but I don't find out what's going wrong.

Is someone has some suggestions, they are welcome.


8 Replies

  • They are on UNC shares, but in my troubleshooting steps, I forgot to mention I tried to move them on a local disk (with according changes in DB IndexRootPathEntry) with the same results.

    Thanks for taking time.

    I opened a case on friday : # 06268417.

  • looks like an IIS/Cert issue, I would dtrace w3wp look for endpoint and manually try it in IE on the EV server.

  • I spent 1h27 with support: same conclusions than mine: looks related to IIS, but no solution at the moment.

    Nathan, thanks for your suggestions but I already tried that with no relevant information.

  • Late update to this post.

    After a crisis meeting with the client, it was decided to migrate EV services to a server 2008 R2, and the problem has gone.

    Obviously it's frustrating not knowing the exact source of the problem on the 2012 server... Most likely related to IIS.

    So I cannot pass this post as solved.

  • Hi,


    we found the resolution, kindly run below command with admin access on all your EV servers.


    "netsh winhttp reset proxy"

