Forum Discussion

Wally_Simmonds's avatar
14 years ago

Journal mailbox not clearing items - Event 2243

Hi guys,

Had a case logged to me on Friday around our client's DA not being able to search items for this year, which was a bit worrying.  Had a poke around on the EV server and unfortunately it looks like the journal mailbox has not been clearing - event ID 2243 


Could not scan user mailbox %customerinfo%/CN=EVJOURNALING, cannot list messages.


I have run a DTrace against the EVjournaltask (49) and uploaded the results to Symantec, but thought I would also post here.  Looking through the forums I suspect the issue is related to an item that cannot be processed correctly.  Can open the mailbox fine and see the 850,000 messages in it =/

Is there something specific that I should be looking for?  I would attach the dtrace, but it does have customer info in it.


Appreciate any help here.




  • Hi,


    It looks like there is a message we are having a problem with.  See this part of the dtrace


    4> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::IsEligibleForArchive() |Entering routine  |
    48385 19:14:45.453  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:L :CArchivingAgent::IsEligibleForArchive(/O=customer/OU=IRGMO/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EVJOURNALING) |The message titled: Accepted: Mass Arrivals communications planning is eligible for archive  |
    48386 19:14:45.453  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M CJournalPart::MakeJournalPartMsg - Considering Message [Accepted: Mass Arrivals communications planning]
    48387 19:14:45.453  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M CJournalPart::MakeJournalPartMsg - Is a E2007 Journal Message? [True]
    48388 19:14:45.453  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M CJournalPart::MakeJournalPartMsg - Opening The Message
    48389 19:14:45.453  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M CJournalPart::ReadUniqueIdentifier - Message-Id: <of45090a17.81b1f675-oncc257802.0009da80-cc257802.0009da96@moh.>
    48390 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M HRXEX fn trace :|Source     : .\JournalPart.cpp (CJournalPart::MakeJournalPartMsg) [lines {1106,1223,1234,1257,1258}] built Oct 24 07:10:48 2008|Description: Call error 0x8004011b
    48391 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::IsEligibleForArchive() |Exiting routine |
    48392 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV~E Event ID: 2243 Could not scan user mailbox /O=customer/OU=IRGMO/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EVJOURNALING, cannot list messages |
    48393 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:M CArchivingAgent::processMessages() - Could not scan user mailbox /O=customer/OU=IRGMO/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EVJOURNALING, cannot list messages [0x8004011B] [(null)]
    48394 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::ProcessFolders() |Exiting routine |
    48395 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::PF_ProcessSubFolders() |Exiting routine  |
    48396 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::ProcessFolders() |Exiting routine |
    48397 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <8124> EV:H :CArchivingAgent::ProcessUser() |Exiting routine |
    48398 19:14:45.469  [12172] (JournalTask) <81


    The message is titled


    Accepted: Mass Arrivals communications planning is eligible for archive  |



    I'd move that into the failed to store folder for now and see if that resolves things.  Also send copy of the message to support so we can identify what about the message is causing EV an issue



16 Replies